Cisco Announces ASA Service Module for the Cat6K
Today Cisco announced the ASA Services module for its Catalyst 6500 switching line. This module runs the same code as the other Cisco ASA form factors so going forward you’ll have the same code base across all of your ASA platforms. Here are the specs for the ASA-SM firewall as taken from their datasheet:
With twice the performance and four times the session count of competitive network security modules, it supports up to:
• 20 Gbps maximum firewall throughput (max)
• 16 Gbps of maximum firewall throughput (multi-protocol)
• 300,000 connections per second
• 10 million concurrent connections
• 250 security contexts
• 1,000 VLANs
Pretty impressive numbers by any measure. The FW performance is about four times greater than the Cisco FWSM (5.5Gbps) that preceded it. Also, the ASA-SM is about 10 times the concurrent connection capacity than the Cisco FWSM. You can put up to four Cisco ASA-SM into a Cat6K and scale this up to 64Gbps in a single chassis! The Blade will work in any Cat6K E chassis or the VE 9 slot chassis. Pricing and Availability not yet publicly available.
For More information See here:
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Network World Cisco Security Expert authored by [email protected]. Read the original post at: https://www.networkworld.com/article/2228900/cisco-announces-asa-service-module-for-the-cat6k.html#tk.rss_ciscosecurityexpert