((AoIS Webcast)) Cryptography: Issues and Insight from Practical Implementations
Kevin Flanagan and I delivered a presentation on Cryptography at this year’s RSA 2010. Now, doing a cryptography presentation at RSA is a bit like putting a target on yourself that says “please shoot me down!”. Well, the presentation was very well received, and the RSA conference folks have asked Kevin and I to do a encore presentation via Webcast. A few quick facts:
This is not your math teacher’s Cryptography presentation !
The core of this presentation is about discussing the various points in an application where a cryptographic control, primarily encryption, can be applied. Kevin and I walk through an expanded version of the 3-tier application architecture. We go beyond discussing the encryption controls available to the web server, application server, and database backends, to expand our scope to include the PC, storage, backup, and file systems. At each point we will discuss the kinds of controls that can be applied, the risks that those controls help manage, and risks which are ofttimes overlooked and remain.
This presentation is more focused than the RSA Version from March.
In our presentation in March we tried to also include an introduction to Key Management. This proved to be too much to bite off, so we have pruned that material from the presentation that is planned for the Webcast. Kevin and I may be submitting a presentation proposal for RSA 2011, 100% dedicated to Key Management. (Feedback on that idea would be of great value… Feel free to comment below.)
In fact, I am always interested in feedback from readers of AoIS. So, if you tune in the the WebCase, please drop me a note. I personally find web and teleconference presentations much more difficult than in the in-person kind…
When and Where ?
The Webcast in this Wed (June 23, 2010) at 1:00 PM EST, 10:00 AM PST, 5:00 PM GMT.
Here is a link to the registration: Webcast: Cryptography: Issues and Insight from Practical Implementations
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from artofinfosec authored by [email protected] (Erik Heidt). Read the original post at: https://artofinfosec.wordpress.com/2010/06/16/aois-webcast-cryptography-issues-and-insight-from-practical-implementations/