Pitchforks in sheds

I once heard someone describe network tools as ‘pitchforks in sheds’ – the basic premise being that although the tools themselves were all incredibly useful, without someone to use them, they are essentially useless.

I’ve looked at a lot of security tools in my time, and have seen some great ones. HP recently showed me WebInspect, which looks like a great hacking tool on its own, and an awesome development and QA tool in conjunction with other pieces of software in the family. They obviously know this, because they invited me to a dinner which I sadly couldn’t make. I always think that when a company is confident enough to invite critics for a dinner, the tool is probably a market leader which wants to stay in that position. If it’s just a presentation, then it’s probably a start up. Just a thing I’ve noticed over the years… anyway, back to the point.

There are a great many tools out there which are very useful for networks, security focused or otherwise. However, without someone to roll-out, manage, and insert into processes – i.e. to get them used now and in the future – you may as well make a big pile of company cash in the car park and have bonfire night early.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from IT Security: The view from here authored by Rob. Read the original post at: