Why it takes multiple perspectives to solve complex problems

If the reward for solving problems is more problems, and the sign of improvement are harder and more challenging problems to solve, at some point we need help. Asking for help feels hard, but it’s a great way to allow others to contribute their value and earn recognition for their ... Read More

How quickly do you sacrifice yourself?

I don’t know about you, but when the pressure mounts and I get overwhelmed, I sacrifice myself. It starts by skipping a workout, yoga practice, or time to read a book. It seems I’m quick to ditch the activities that make me better, like reading, training, or taking the downtime ... Read More

Why you need a business case, even if it doesn’t seem worth it

Showing my work on how to build a business case led to some great conversation on LinkedIn and popular question: Is it worth it to build a business case? I get it. Some organizations rely on business cases, while others go through the motions to check a box. Some organizations ... Read More

How to define outcomes to deliver value faster

Why we need to clarify the ideal and acceptable outcomes If you want to deliver value faster, you need to know more than the problem you’re trying to solve. You also need to know what success looks like. Start by asking people to define and explain the ideal outcome. The ... Read More

Why you need clarity if you want people to change

I recently got called in to assess a program to encourage employees to change their default method of multi-factor authentication (MFA). The key word is change. They’re asking people to change some aspect of their behavior, and we know change is hard — even when it seems like the ask ... Read More

How solving small problems helps you deliver big value

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I’ve noticed a lot of teams that feel detached from the business take on work they perceive as sexy or fashionable, hoping to get recognized as valuable. They think these BHAGs (Big, Hairy A** Goals) will show their value. It’s a trap! Often the team overlooks deep seated friction and ... Read More

Don’t give up the gains!

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What might sound like a wartime rallying cry is a simple mantra I use. We fight for each step of progress through the problems we solve and conflicts we handle. Chaos and resistance are powerful forces, eager to set us back, forcing us to start over. I remind myself of ... Read More

Why we need to solve the problem in front of us

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“Keep your front sight focus.” It’s a reminder from the US Navy SEALS to work the problem in front of you and not get distracted with something happening some place else. For soldiers, this could mean the difference between life and death. For us, it’s the difference between growth and ... Read More

Answer this question to assess your leadership

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I grew up looking at a picture of a bald eagle with the inscription: “Leadership is action, not position.” I still have the picture in my office. Finding a better way to think about leadership A few years ago, I was leading a workshop on leadership and communication when asked ... Read More

How to deliver more value without creating more work

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Tired of being told to do more with less? This usually feels like the need to take on more work with fewer resources and less time. Which pushes you to the margins of your nights and weekends to “catch up.” All you end up with is more work and less ... Read More