HolistiCyber Strengthens Its Advisory Board with Appointment of Former MI5 Director General, Lord Jonathan Evans

Lord Evans’s Decision to Join Board Fueled by Strong Belief in the Company’s Ability to Safeguard Against Cyber Threats

NEW YORKLONDON and TEL AVIV, IsraelJuly 18, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Leading cybersecurity services and technology company HolistiCyber announces the appointment of Lord Jonathan Evans, former Director General of the British Security Service MI5, to its Advisory Board. Lord Evans brings a wealth of expertise in cybersecurity and international intelligence. His presence will further bolster HolistiCyber’s position as a pioneering force in combatting nation-state grade cyber attacks.

Lord Jonathan Evans
Lord Jonathan Evans

Lord Evans has forged a distinguished career marked by his significant contributions to national security and countering global cyber threats. During an illustrious 30-year career in the Security Service, including serving as Director General of MI5 from 2007 to 2013, Lord Evans held pivotal roles in counter-espionage investigations, protective security policy, counterterrorism, and international intelligence operations.

With his deep knowledge of cybersecurity and intelligence practices, Lord Evans will play a pivotal role in guiding HolistiCyber’s strategic direction and helping shape its nation-state grade cyber defense solutions.

“As cyber-threats become more sophisticated and better resourced, we urgently require a new approach founded on unique cyber expertise and pioneering technology,” commented Lord Jonathan Evans. “HolistiCyber brings a new thinking around the cyber challenge, one which embraces the complexity of our environments and works to protect our most important assets. I chose to work with HolistiCyber because they bring together outstanding technical capabilities, a proactive defence posture and deep real-world experience.”

“Having witnessed first-hand the rapid evolution of cybersecurity threats, I am excited to join HolistiCyber and contribute my expertise to the development of the SAGE Platform, which presents a transformative solution for CISOs in numerous industries worldwide, empowering them to proactively navigate the complexities of today’s threat landscape and build robust cyber defense strategies.”

“Our team at HolistiCyber is delighted to have Jonathan Evans join our Advisory Board,” said Brigadier General (Ret.) Ran Shahor, HolistiCyber’s founder and CEO. “Lord Evans’s international reputation and extensive background in the field of cyber operations will be invaluable as we continue to provide expert cybersecurity services and develop the SAGE Platform to assist CISOs in combating nation-state grade level cyber threats. We are honored to have him on board, and we look forward to working with him in this new era of intelligence-based cyber defense.”

About HolistiCyber:

HolistiCyber is a cyber-defense company specializing in nation-state-grade threats. They strengthen global enterprises’ cyber defenses by providing expert services and technology solutions to defend them proactively and holistically in an era of constantly evolving cyber threats — in both volume and sophistication.

HolistiCyber’s domain experts have years of experience in the public and private sectors, including ex-government / Israel Defense Force’s (IDF) Intelligence branches, the FBI, Mossad, MI5 & MI6. These experts assess and handle threats from the vantage point of the attacker. Their analysis includes a deep understanding of business processes and critical assets. It allows organizations to prioritize and address the most critical risks first and prevent scattering efforts in too many directions, thus, quickly elevating the organization’s security posture, easing the workload of busy IT and security teams, and optimizing cybersecurity budgets.

HolistiCyber’s customer base includes tier-1 financial services, banks, insurance companies, manufacturers, utilities, entertainment, and media companies.

Learn more about HolistiCyber here



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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from HolistiCyber authored by Leora Pudell. Read the original post at: