5 Ways to Optimize Your Tech Stack for Better Security Outcomes
Business operations increasingly rely on cloud applications and connected systems so the need for robust security measures has never been greater. As your business’s attack surface grows, so does the technology stack you need to address it.
Unfortunately, too many solutions can lead to tech stack bloat – a situation where your team is spending more time managing tools than resolving risks. In some cases, complex, redundant, or time-intensive tools don’t get used at all.
Getting the most out of your security investments is more than demonstrating ROI. An optimized tech stack builds efficiencies, frees up time to focus on strategic initiatives, and drives better outcomes.
The Right Tech for Security Outcomes
Choosing the right technology comes down to understanding your data, and how it aligns to specific use cases. The types of data your business handles will vary depending on the industry you operate in. Compliance requirements within your industry rank risk differently across data types as well. Shared systems, cloud applications, distributed IT, and data silos across your organization mean that that structured and unstructured data types live everywhere.
Discovering, classifying, and tracking data across all digital assets is ideal — with an up-to-date data inventory and an accurate picture of the use cases that matter to your business, you’ll be better positioned to understand the tools and tactics you need to protect your data.
Here are five tips to help you strengthen your security posture while simplifying your tech stack:
1. Consolidate your security solutions
It’s easy for organizations to accumulate multiple point solutions over time as they try different products or services to address their specific needs. However, having too many disparate solutions can be inefficient and costly in terms of both money and resources. Consider consolidating these solutions into one comprehensive platform that offers all the features you need without any unnecessary extras. This will make it easier for teams to manage their security infrastructure with fewer headaches down the line.
2. Automate where possible
Manual processes take up valuable time and resources that could be used elsewhere within your organization – especially when it comes to cybersecurity tasks like patching systems or monitoring networks for threats. By automating certain processes like vulnerability scanning or log analysis, teams can free up personnel who would otherwise have been tied up performing mundane tasks so they can focus on more strategic initiatives instead.
3. Leverage cloud-based services
Moving certain operations offsite via cloud-based services supports access from anywhere while also reducing costs associated with hardware maintenance and upgrades since those responsibilities are handled by third parties instead of internal IT staff members. Cloud computing also supports scalability and makes it easier for companies to adjust their storage capacity over time without needing additional physical space or equipment. However, the distributed nature of cloud can complicate security management. Contrary to popular belief, cloud service providers aren’t explicitly responsible for cloud service security. Rather you (as the customer) and your cloud provider share responsibility. Automated data discovery can help you scan your entire infrastructure, including cloud systems, to find, identify, and track where both structured and unstructured data resides.
4. Utilize open-source tools
Open-source software is often just as reliable (if not more) than proprietary alternatives and typically comes at no cost which makes it an attractive option for budget conscious businesses looking to maximize value from every dollar spent. Open-source projects tend to receive regular updates from developers around world, meaning users always benefit from latest features and bug fixes.
5. Invest in training
Technology evolves quickly, so staying ahead of the curve requires investing in training employees regularly to keep on top of new developments and industry best practices.
Attack surface management has changed significantly. Instead of focusing on infinite or horizon scenarios, start by evaluating your organization’s current security use cases. Doing so will help you narrow in on the security capabilities that matter most to your business and by extension, eliminate services that you don’t need.
Successful attack surface management relies on capabilities across three key areas: Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) for internal assets; Digital Risk Protection Services (DRPS) for brand protection and compliance; and External Attack Surface Management (EASM) for external assets.
Each capability achieves a different set of outcomes. Identifying and prioritizing which outcomes are most important to your business can help you choose technology that fits the nature of your business and the resources you have available to manage it.
Consolidating technologies and API integration for complete data visibility are core components of CAASM capabilities that support attack surface management. CAASM technologies like the Cavelo platform can help you consolidate costly spend and multiple technologies.
Accomplish your security outcomes with Cavelo
Cavelo offers a simple platform designed to help you and your team get a handle on your company’s digital assets and sensitive data, so you can protect it all through a single pane of glass. The platform prioritizes data as your business’s most critical asset, making it easier to match your business requirements, use cases, and regulatory frameworks.
In today’s ever-evolving threat landscape tech consolidation can seem impossible. But going back to basics and understanding your data makes consolidation a much easier — and achievable — exercise.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Cavelo Blog authored by Cavelo Blog. Read the original post at: https://www.cavelo.com/blog/optimize-tech-stack-drive-better-security-outcomes