Organizing Security Cons with Magno Logan

Sources and Sinks interviews security conference veteran Magno Logan

Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

If you’ve been to a security event before, you’d know what a great experience it is to meet fellow hackers, security folks, and to learn about new ideas. But what goes into running a security conference?

Today on sources and sinks, I interview Magno, the founder of the OWASP Paraíba Chapter and seasoned conference organizer, about how he started an OWASP chapter, and how he started organizing security events. So tune in if you want to learn about what goes on behind the scenes at security conferences, and a live hacking championship that you can stream on twitch.

Magno Logan is an application security and cloud security specialist. He founded the OWASP Paraíba Chapter and the JampaSec Security Conference. He has spoken at many security conferences, including RedTeamVillage, NahamCon, Sec4Dev, BSides, NorthSec, OWASP, JampaSec, and more. He also hosts Hacking Esports (, a livestreamed hacking championship.

Source and Sinks is a technology-focused podcast. We talk about the business, people, products, and culture of technology — with a security twist. Listen to more Sources and Sinks here:

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Organizing Security Cons with Magno Logan was originally published in ShiftLeft Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from ShiftLeft Blog - Medium authored by Vickie Li. Read the original post at: