Security Catalyst Office Hours Recap for February 26, 2021
We opened with the theme of showing your work, sooner, and how it’s different than sharing your work. The distinction between sharing and showing came as a result of my commitment to showing my work. And it framed a remarkable office hours.
Here are the topics we covered:
Do you want the answer or the explanation?
Showing your work doesn’t mean sharing every detail of everything — it’s offering people the option to learn more about your process by answering the questions of why and how
Are you willing to show your work?
Instead of getting it right or feeling ready, just offer people some ideas and options — give them a way to better understand and engage with you
Get (it) out of your mind
Sometimes just putting it out there is a way to get unstuck; minimally, it exposes you to new people, new ideas, and it sometimes allows you a slight shift in perspective
What to show?
If you discover new ideas when writing, then capture the pivots, or the ideas you connected together, and snippets as you go – show the breadcrumbs on your journey
Start with a sacrifice
Sacrifice the ideas you care least about first. If no one likes it, so what? If someone likes it, build it up. Either way, you showed your work – and you can show it again.
“Never take criticism from anyone you wouldn’t take advice from”
Consider joining us next Friday at Noon Eastern…
And we’ll solve them together
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Security Catalyst authored by Michael Santarcangelo. Read the original post at: