Visual Updates

We've been hard at work revamping our web app to be more intuitive, solid, and ready for some great new services we're getting ready to announce. Part of this process involves moving some things around and we wanted to make sure we gave our users a heads up.

Installation Keys & Sensor Downloads now appear together in a new section called Install Sensors

When getting a new sensor set up you need an installation key as well as a sensor installer. Previously you had to go to two separate sections of the application to perform these actions. To improve efficiency we've now combined both of these together in a new section called Install Sensors.

Incident Response moved from sidebar to the Sensors section

When the Responder Service is enabled we provide the option to perform a sweep on a sensor. Previously you'd access this functionality from a dedicated section in the left navigation called Response. We've now moved this functionality to the Sensors section. You can simply click the Sweep button next to the sensor that you'd like to sweep.

Menu reorganization

When first entering an organization you’re now taken to the Sensors page. Here you can see all of your sensors and take action.

Additionally, we've organized the menu items into 3 categories:

  • Respond

  • Develop

  • Setup

These changes are intended to make the application easier to navigate and get you to where you need even faster.

We want to hear what you think — please share your thoughts with us in our community Slack or by filling out our feedback form.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from LimaCharlie's Blog authored by LimaCharlie's Blog. Read the original post at: