Judy News: Judy (formerly AaDya Security) and BitLyft partner to provide enterprise-grade security to SMBs
Customers will now have access to BitLyft’s threat detection and automated remediation services through Marzo4, Judy’s all-in-one cybersecurity platform.
February 2, 2021, Detroit, Michigan – Two growing companies rising out of Michigan’s burgeoning technology scene, Detroit-based Judy (formerly AaDya Security) and East Lansing-based BitLyft, who are both aiming to disrupt the cybersecurity market by offering enterprise-level solutions designed for the small and midsize business (SMB) customer, are combining forces to integrate BitLyft’s threat detection and automated remediation offering into Marzo4, Judy’s all-in-one cybersecurity platform.
Judy launched Marzo4 in June 2020 with a robust suite of security tools including: single sign on, password management, anti-phishing and endpoint protection, powered by machine learning and artificial intelligence in the form of “Judy,” which on the front-end, takes the form of an interactive virtual cybersecurity assistant. With the new integration of BitLyft, the company is now able to provide an even higher level of protection and support to these customers, who until now have remained an afterthought for cybersecurity providers.
According to The World Bank, SMBs represent about 90% of businesses and more than 50% of employment worldwide. The segment has been hard hit by the pandemic, the move to remote work and is a growing target of cyber crime. Additionally, many SMBs are coming under increased pressure from customers and stakeholders to maintain a security posture as strong as their enterprise counterparts, which many lack the resources or expertise needed to achieve.
“I founded Judy with a mission to put enterprise-level cybersecurity solutions within reach of the SMB customer, but tailored to their specific needs,” explained Raffaele Mautone, Judy Founder and CEO. “There is a real synergy with BitLyft’s philosophy and ours, in that they have a true desire to help these customers in a way that meets them where they are instead of offering watered down solutions that ultimately won’t deliver because they are too expensive and too difficult to manage. That led to some great conversations with their team resulting in a collaboration that will be beneficial for both of our growing companies and our customers.”
The new platform feature, officially named Judy’s Team Blue, provides an extra layer of protection by giving customers access to a full security operations center trained to detect, respond and remediate security threats as they occur. Additional threat intelligence and logging provides a big picture of their system’s data context, and relevant and effective reporting to help them meet compliance and customer security requirements. The feature will be fully integrated into Marzo4’s streamlined platform, and easily accessed through Marzo4’s interactive dashboard.
“It’s a multi-product stack in a single offering. We’re doing all the heavy lifting for the client to provide an easy to deploy security solution that’s approachable from a price and technology standpoint, said Jason Miller, BitLyft Founder and CEO. “Historically these products have been hard for IT people to put together. It took a lot of people and resources to manage all the various tools and they didn’t always work well once they were deployed. Between BitLyft and Judy, we’ve ironed out some of the toughest challenges and issues with this technology to make it a customer friendly platform that people can utilize for enhanced cybersecurity. It really does put enterprise-grade security in the hands of people who aren’t security or even IT focused.”
Both companies have received seed funding and support from Red Cedar Ventures, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Michigan State University Foundation, Judy through Michigan Rise and BitLyft as a portfolio investment. Red Cedar is led by Executive Director Jeff Wesley and Director Prem Bodagala.
“We are thrilled to see two Michigan-based companies that we support working together,” said Wesley. “This strategic announcement aligns their unique core capabilities and tailored approach to the SMB market and brings a new level of excitement and significant opportunity for both companies to accelerate growth and market share. It is rewarding to see great leaders like Raffaele Mautone and Jason Miller aligning efforts to scale their respective companies and we look forward to several more positive announcements in the future for both organizations.”
Marzo4’s new features were rolled out on February 1 and will be immediately available to both new and existing customers. In addition to threat detection and automated remediation through the BitLyft partnership, users of Marzo4 will also now have access to one-click compliance mapping as part of the streamlined suite of security tools.
To request a product demo and to learn more about Marzo4 email [email protected], or call (800) 918-9113.
About Judy (formerly AaDya Security)
Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, Judy (formerly AaDya Security) provides smart, simple, effective cybersecurity software solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. Marzo4, our all-in-one cybersecurity platform, powered by Judy, an interactive AI virtual assistant, is simple, affordable and provides 24/7 cybersecurity protection and intuitive customer support for companies who lack the time, expertise and capital to successfully implement these solutions on their own. For more information please visit our website, AaDyasecurity.com
About BitLyft
BitLyft goes beyond traditional managed detection and response (MDR) and managed security services providers (MSSP) by providing a stack of security solutions simplified into one platform. This makes it easier for organizations to obtain enterprise-grade cybersecurity and integrate into their existing and changing IT environment. Visit BitLyft.com to learn more about how we can help you keep your organization safe from cyber attacks.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Judy Blog authored by Judy. Read the original post at: https://www.judysecurity.ai/blog/aadya-news-aadya-security-and-bitlyft-partner-to-provide-enterprise-grade-security-to-smbs