Book review: “The Cyber Attack Survival Manual”

 From PCI to HIPAA and more, security awareness is part and parcel of computer security. But for far too many organizations, they simply go through the motions of security awareness, but the end users are not necessarily better for it. Such awareness programs meet the regulatory requirements for awareness, and companies are then able to check the audit box, but that is about it. 

Ransomware creators and social engineers are fond of firms who take an approach like that, as it makes their jobs much more straightforward. But an ounce of information security awareness cure can save an organization from Bitcoins of ransom later.

In The Cyber Attack Survival Manual, authors Nick Selby and Heather Vescent have written an awareness guide that is both informative and interesting. The book provides a high-level introduction to the core areas of information security.

The book makes excellent use of infographics, key terms, stories and more. As an awareness tool, this is a book that you can give to every user and have them read at their leisure. It is engaging and immensely readable, so there is no doubt they will read it rather than have it gather dust. 

I have this book on my list of The Best Information Security Books of 2020; this is an excellent read and should also be on your reading list. 


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