Spanning Release Notes: Office 365 Backup MSP Edition

The Managed Service Provider (MSP) market is poised to grow to $282 billion by 2023. It’s a sign of progress, but also fierce rivalry. MSPs will have to offer robust services while driving consistent profit margins if they expect to survive the competition.

Businesses lose SaaS data every day and customers (or their MSP) are responsible for the protection of their Office 365 data. Microsoft’s data centers are designed with world-class disaster recovery capabilities to protect data from infrastructure threats such as hardware or software failure, power outages, or natural disasters, but Microsoft cannot protect customers from the most common causes of data loss: ransomware and malware attacks, human error, malicious behavior and sync or configuration errors. Without the ability to provide granular, point-in-time restoration of Office 365 data, business operations can come to a screeching halt in the event of a data loss incident.

Introducing Spanning Office 365 Backup MSP Edition, it offers comprehensive protection against Office 365 data loss, ensuring seamless business continuity — every time.

Watch Spanning Office 365 Backup MSP edition in action.


Spanning Backup’s end-user functionality, easy-to-use yet powerful administrator capabilities and cloud-native benefits combine to provide the lowest total cost of ownership of any solution in its class.

Find out if Spanning is the right fit for your MSP.

Spanning MSP Edition

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Spanning authored by Matt McDermott. Read the original post at: