Top eight podcasts episodes and webinars on closing the skills gap and starting a cybersecurity career

Introduction: Expert-led digital audio and video files grow in popularity

These days, employers are facing millions of unfilled IT security positions and a shortage of talented workers. In fact, there may be as many as 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions by 2021. When you look at the sheer number of open positions, there are several different approaches to solving this challenge in order to fulfill the growing demand for new talent. 

Podcasts and webinars can help rectify the problem and overcome the shortage of talent in cybersecurity. Quickly growing in popularity, these expert-led recordings can help amateurs or professionals explore topics of interest, close knowledge gaps, support remote learning and ultimately enhance workforce skills.

Podcasts and webinars have multiple benefits. They are able to reach a wide audience and are capable of bringing remote learning to anyone, addressing specific topics of interest outside of more formal environments like college classrooms, conferences and online courses. They also, however, have drawbacks: the need for stable internet speeds, bandwidth and technology; the possibility of technical issues that impair seamless vision; and little to no interaction (especially with recorded options).

Why use podcasts and webinars for skill-building and professional development?

Podcasts and webinars are becoming an effective way to continually up-skill professionals. The value of this type of learning has proven vital during the coronavirus outbreak, when the lockdown and the increased availability of time has caught professionals off guard. Many remaining at home have turned their attention towards online skill-building as a way to productively use their new free time.

IT, information security and/or cybersecurity offerings abound on the internet, so what podcasts and webinars should you be starting with? You would do well to begin with episodes specifically about closing the skills gap and starting a cybersecurity career.

Four (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Daniel Brecht. Read the original post at:

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