Top 8 tips for office security when employees are working from home
Introduction: Who’s minding the store?
Cybersecurity has become even more high profile during the current COVID-19 pandemic. A recent warning from the UK National Cyber Security Centre and the US Department of Homeland Security talks of state-backed hackers targeting healthcare organizations. Many other examples of pandemic-focused cyberattacks have popped up since the coronavirus appeared.
But it is not just cyberattacks that threaten businesses. Research from US insurer Insureon points out that almost 9 % of small businesses were victims of a burglary in 2016. And real-world office security threats are an even bigger problem now, with business premises standing empty as workforces move to home offices during the lockdown.
There are, however, business security systems and processes you can put in place to minimize your risk of a real-world attack.
8 tips for office security during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond
The following eight tips to creating robust office security will hopefully help you compile your list of must-dos during COVID-19 lockdown. However, the measures are also a general guide to the use of building security systems during any period where an office may be empty.
Remote monitoring — it’s not just about theft
If you can’t physically be at your office, you can watch over it from afar. Modern IoT monitoring services allow you to utilize sensors to check various aspects of your building security.
When a premise is left empty, it is not just burglars that are a threat. Arson or accidental fires can happen. Make sure that you remove any combustible material from the office before you close. A building security system that employs sensors to monitor various aspects of an office environment can also help prevent accidental or malicious fires.
CCTV — building security system with eyes
Internet-connected cameras are an ideal office security measure (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Susan Morrow. Read the original post at: