RSA Conference – the Busiest Security Week of the Year

The world will be talking security very soon – the RSA Conference is just around the corner. From February 24 to 27, more than 40,000 information security practitioners, influencers and enthusiasts will descend on the Moscone Center in San Francisco for a week packed with presentations, product demos, breaking news stories and connecting with peers.
Team Code42 will be in the North Hall of the Moscone Center ready to talk to security and IT teams about one of the biggest risks to their data – insider threats. If your challenge is to protect your data from walking out the door when your employees transition out or from careless users, schedule a technical demo now or drop in at our booth, N-6079. We take a new approach to insider threat detection, investigation and response and can protect your most valuable IP, product plans and customer lists without rigid policies and without blocking your employees from collaborating and sharing files. We cut through the noise and give you access to incredible detail about file movements with only a click or two. We’ll be at booth, N-6079:
- Feb 24: 4:30-7 p.m.
- Feb. 25: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- Feb. 26: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Pub Crawl from 4-6 p.m.)
- Feb. 27: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
If you don’t yet have an expo pass and are having some serious FOMO, we’ll get you in the door for free. Reach out now for a complimentary expo pass.
Code42’s CEO and SVP to Present Feb. 25
We are thrilled to share that CEO Joe Payne and SVP Vijay Ramanthan will co-present from the expo floor of the Moscone Center the afternoon of Feb. 25. Please join them to hear their insights about why insider threat is such a big, unsolved problem for today’s most progressive companies, and how companies can get a leg up on some of the biggest threats to their data.

The Insider Threat –- You’re Flying Blind
Speakers: Code42 President and CEO Joe Payne and Senior Vice President Vijay Ramanathan
When: Feb. 25: 4:20-4:50 p.m.
Where: Moscone Center North – North Briefing Center, booth N-6545
Session Description: Studies show that 90% of data loss that manifests from inside organizations goes undetected. What’s worse, nearly 70% of organizations that were breached from the inside had a data loss prevention solution in place. The brutal truth – prevention solutions are not effective at stopping insider threats. Attend this session to learn from Code42 senior executives about how data risk detection and response ensures you and your organization are not blindsided.
Code42 Customer Theater Presentations Feb. 25 and Feb. 26
This year we are really excited to welcome three of our customers to speak in our booth, N-6079 during RSAC 2020. Security practitioners from BAYADA Home Healthcare, Crowdstrike and Exabeam will share the strategies they’ve used in their successful insider threat programs.
Look Closer: Your Files are Leaving During Employee Departures
Speaker: Andrew Jarrett, Senior Manager, Desktop Equipment Services, BAYADA Home Health Care
When: Feb. 25: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. | Feb. 26: 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Where: Code42 booth N-6079
Session Description: Sixty-three percent of employees brought data with them from their previous employer (Code42 Data Exposure Report 2019). The flip side of this is that employees are taking data with them when they quit, and most organizations do not have the processes or tools in place to detect, investigate or respond when data is put at risk by a departing employee. BAYADA Home Health Care recognized this risk, and took action to mitigate it by defining an internal departing employee process built around the use of Code42’s insider threat solution.
Insider Threat: The Risk your SOC Won’t Catch
Speaker: Ryan Bonfadini, Incident Response Analyst, CrowdStrike
When: Feb. 25: 1-2 p.m. | Feb. 26: 1-2 p.m.
Where: Code42 booth N-6079
Session Description: Don’t let your insider threat program be stuck in the past (or be nonexistent). Learn how to modernize your insider threat program and prepare for next generation attacks. During this session, Ryan Bonfadini will share his expertise gained over the past seven years where he has established and matured insider threat programs at CrowdStrike and Symantec.
Data Security in the Age of Collaboration
Speaker: Alex Koshlich, IT InfoSec Manager, Exabeam
When: Feb. 25: 2-3 p.m. | Feb. 26: 2-3 p.m.
Where: Code42 booth N-6079
Session Description: For many companies, the accelerated pace of their growth doubles as one of their greatest security risks. To maintain security while fostering growth, Exabeam allows employees to use whatever tools are necessary to get the job done, as long as security can maintain visibility into those tools. To accomplish this, Exabeam relies on Code42’s solution to see how files are moving across their endpoints and cloud applications.
After Hours Security Party
Join Code42 for an exclusive, invite-only event at the Minna Gallery with fellow RSAC attendees! Enjoy complimentary drinks, live entertainment and heavy appetizers. Space is limited, so RSVP now.
When: Feb. 25: 7-10 p.m.
Where: 111 Minna Gallery, 111 Minna St., San Francisco, CA 94105
The post RSA Conference – the Busiest Security Week of the Year appeared first on Code42.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Code42 authored by Code42. Read the original post at: https://www.code42.com/blog/rsa-conference-the-busiest-security-week-of-the-year/