Libra Unstablecoin: The Fleet-Of-Foot Chronicles



Interesting movement in Facebook, Inc.’s (Nasdaq: FB) in reality, the highly un-stablecoin cryptocurrency-refer-to-us-as-a-country-damnit effort monikered Libra; in which, the the social-manipulation leviathan’s so-called ‘Libra Association‘ – based in Geneva, Switzerland – suffered defections by four payment processors in a single day. To wit: Visa, Stripe, Mastercard and Mercado Pago, PayPal and eBay all invoked the drop-and-roll not wasting any time getting out of the fire, so to speak.

‘The timing is not a coincidence. The Libra Association is scheduled to hold its first official meeting on Monday. At that meeting, members will be asked to make binding commitments to the project. So for members who weren’t prepared to commit to the project, Friday was a good day to get out.” – via Timothy B. Lee, writing at the well-beloved ArsTechica

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosecurity.US authored by Marc Handelman. Read the original post at: