7 Key Benefits of Security with the Addition of Biometrics

08 Jul 2019

7 Key Benefits of Security with the Addition of Biometrics

One of the most essential pieces of security is consent and validation of individuals – which is why so many companies are using biometric input devices. Biometric security systems are becoming a key element to multifactor authentication and used for a wide variety of purposes – such as attendance, tracking the authentication process, and even the metering time limits. A growing number of Iarge companies’ entry and exit system are now based on biometrics. As there are various ways of conducting biometric verification – incIuding facial and iris recognition, vascular pattern recognition and even fingerprints – biometrics is a complex issue. Lets us look at some of the key benefits associated with this growing component of multifactor authentication:

Quick and Accurate Identification and Authentication

Using passwords and codes for security access is pretty straightforward but generic. Anyone with a card or pass can gain access. But biometric security technology refers to the biological passcodes that cannot be forged – meaning accurate identification and authentication of the specific individual. Iris or facial recognition is more often becoming integrated as part of the security process, as scanning is a quick and easy process.

Accountability at its Best

When there’s accurate information about entry and exit, it exceeds the responsibility of the firm. In the event of any unfortunate events, there is a better proof of confirmation backed by data. The data is also easy to configure, analyzed and reported as necessary.

Highly Efficient

Every company demands highly efficient security systems. Biometric verification systems not only enhance security, but make it is easier and more efficient to manage key functions such as attendance tracking for payroII. It is even helpful for employees as they don’t need to carry cards everywhere.

Convenience is Key

One key advantage of a biometric verification system is convenience. There’s just no need to reset the passwords. Once the biometric test is activated, all fingerprints, iris and facial recognition are done – and employees are good to go. It is even convenient to log the data and audit it accordingly.

Additional Capacity to Accommodate Growth

As companies evolve, it’s critical for security to grow along with it. One major advantage of biometric verification is the ability to scale. These systems are highly flexible, and can easily accept additional employee’s data. This means security grows as the firm scales.

Security and Profitability

Once the biometric verification system is integrated, there’s no need to invest in additional capital. This significantly cuts upfront and ongoing investment costs. These systems are also critical to preventing Ioss due to fraud and iIIegaI entries. That benefit alone saves money and drives profitability.

Easy to Operate and User Friendly

Managing, fitting and even analyzing biometric verification is very user-friendly – providing technological and accurate results with minimaI need for intervention. New data can be entered quickly and logs analyzed fast. Once the table of entry and exits is created, it’s easy to study and manage.

Final Word

Biometrics is rapidly becoming a key piece of the security infrastructure and multifactor authentication – providing quick and easy verification, audit logs, and analysis.  These systems are proving critical as the industry continues to scale and become more complex – and we should expect even bigger things in the years ahead.

Want to learn more about the intricacies of complex security infrastructures and multi-factor authentication? Take a look at the resource links below to learn more.

Resource Links

Author Bio:

Manan Ghadawala is the founder of 21Twelve Interactive, one of the Leading mobile app development companies in India and the United States. Follow him on Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

Note: This blog article was written by a guest contributor for the purpose of offering a wider variety of content for our readers. The opinions expressed in this guest author article are solely those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect those of GlobalSign

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