GSS at Edge World
It’s a busy time for my team as we prepare for next week’s customer conference, Edge World, in Las Vegas. I’m excited for another productive week of interacting and innovating with our customers. There’s still time for you to join us; register here.
I wanted to highlight the great work that the Global Services & Support division is doing for this event. Our people are our most important product, and there will be many opportunities next week to connect with them. Our primary mission is to drive customer success and growth, so we love meeting you face-to-face.
GSS will be staffing the Expert Bar in the heart of the Expo Hall for the duration of the conference. Attendees can schedule time with this dedicated team for a personalized look at our products and how they can best meet your business needs. Edge World registrants can review the Expert Bar Menu and sign up for a session, but walk-ins are also welcome. GSS experts will also be course instructors for the eight Akamai University classes available during the week.
Representatives from our Broadcast Operation Control Center (BOCC) and Security Operation Control Center (SOCC) will be there for live demos on the unique resources they provide. We have six SOCC and two BOCC locations internationally that provide 24/7 support to our customers. We’ll also be on the Expo floor at several kiosks for demos on two new products, Managed Security Solutions and Premium 3.0.
Thank you in advance to those joining me for Tuesday’s GSS Customer Advisory Board. The insight that this annual session provides us into our customers’ interests is critical to our customer-first vision.
Lastly, make sure to stop by the breakout presentations throughout the day to hear more from our experts, including two keynotes from Akamai CIO and EVP of GSS, Mani Sundaram. I hope to see you in the crowd at this exciting event!
Charlie Phillips
SVP, Global Services & Support
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from The Akamai Blog authored by Akamai. Read the original post at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheAkamaiBlog/~3/1WkhpnfORWA/gss-at-edgeworld.html