Keeping your cybersecurity skills relevant in 2019

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Staying relevant in any job is a challenge, but in a world where threats are constantly evolving and changing, cybersecurity is certainly not an easy field to keep up with. If you want to stay in the game and remain competitive, you need to constantly be learning, researching and practicing — and we’re not talking about certifications. Your certifications should help to act as a foundation of your knowledge, but any additional techniques and information that you need to stay ahead of global and trending threats need to come from other sources.

You need to develop new skills and stay in the loop so that you can identify and strengthen your skill set to stay relevant. We have put together a number of tips and tricks to help you to continue upskilling and developing yourself, as well as how you can continue to acquire new cybersecurity skills in 2019.

How can you build your cybersecurity skills?

All industries go through trend cycles, where new advances in technology accelerate the development of products and services. This leads to new ways of doing things, and IT is no different.

To keep up with the ever-changing technical challenges in cybersecurity, you will want to start doing things like:


Stay up to date with the latest happenings in cybersecurity:

Sign up for forums and newsletters. Get actively involved in a dedicated online community that caters for cybersecurity professionals, or even start your own events that involve people in your field

Independent research:

If you are dealing with a unique problem at work that needs a thorough investigation, then it might be (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Graeme Messina. Read the original post at:

Application Security Check Up