50 Best Cloud Security Podcasts

Some of the earliest podcasters were influencers in the technology and online space. For well over a decade, programs that specifically discuss security news and topics have been keeping people up to date on data and systems safety. For many, it’s the ideal medium to learn about the latest happenings in the industry via a convenient and enjoyable format.

With that in mind, we have put together a listing of 50 of the best cloud security podcasts we know about. The hosts and programs on the list are experts from many different technical backgrounds. Their content can benefit professionals in security, programming, or almost any technical role. So whether you’re in a security role or just find yourself interested in some of the big data news that seems to be looming ever larger, you’ll find them useful and, oftentimes, entertaining.

Note: Our list of podcasts is not ranked in terms of perceived value or quality of content. What we have provided is a brief description of each of the podcasts as well as three pertinent episodes for each that you may want to download.

Before we dive into our podcast list, we want to call out two podcasts:


1. Security Ledger

Hosts: Varies
Twitter: @securityledger

Security Ledger is more than a podcast — it’s really more of an independent news site that includes everything from white papers to opinion pieces related to information security. The news slant really adds value to the industry. Instead of providing pure data and information, issues related to breaches are handled in a very responsible and thought-provoking way.

Three episodes we like from Security Ledger:

2. Data Breach Today

Hosts: Varies
Twitter: @DataBreachToday

In its own words, Data Breach Today focuses on “news, opinions, education and other related content to assist senior executives and information security professionals as they navigate the increasingly challenging world of information security.” The show mainly offers interviews with data breach and security experts and those considered to be thought leaders. Episodes are typically shorter and cover a wide range of topics.

Three episodes we like from Data Breach Today:

Listen on iTunes and Podbean

3. CyberWire

Hosts: Varies
Twitter: @thecyberwire

With more and more news coming from cyberspace, CyberWire has created a daily program that aims to break down all of the most important. The focus is on brevity and clarity, not wasting time to get the right information into your hands. Each daily episode does a great job of showing you what the episode is about, helping you choose whether or not the show will help you.

Three episodes we like from CyberWire:

4. Threatpost

Hosts: Varies
Twitter: @threatpost

Threatpost is both a podcast and a news site focusing on information technology and cyber security for business. Most other podcasts on our list are individuals, organizations, and small teams of experts. Threatpost has an editorial team devoted to keeping professionals informed.

Three episodes we like from Threatpost:

5. Security Current Podcast

Hosts: Varies
Twitter: @SecurityCurrent

Security Current is made for and by security executives and other security roles. The guests and hosts are typically the executives of organizations discussing how they tackle the issues involved in securing data. Topics dig deep into the real world concerns of those intended as listeners. These aren’t tips to secure a home network, but legitimate and vital strategies for corporate cloud problems.

Three episodes we like from Security Current Podcast:

6. Brakeing Down Security

Bryan Brake: @bryanbrake
Brian Boettcher: @boettcherpwned
Amanda Berlin: @InfoSystir

Twitter: @brakesec

Bryan Brake and his co-hosts bring you security topics that are likely to interest even the most knowledgeable listener. News subjects are covered, but the show is more about tips and training to help professionals better understand common issues. Topics include privacy, compliance, regulation, and security.

Three episodes we like from Brakeing Down Security:

7. BriefingsDirect

Host: Dana Gardner: @Dana_Gardner

BriefingsDirect is an informational show that focuses on B2B topics and issues. The podcast is put on by InterArbor Solutions and hosted by one of their top analysts, Dana Gardner. It’s an ideal show for executives looking to understand how security issues can affect their business.

Three episodes we like from BriefingsDirect:

8. Crypto-Gram Security

Host: Bruce Schneier: @schneierblog

The Crypto-Gram Newsletter is one of the most popular digital publications that discusses technical and security issues. Bruce Schneier takes the newsletter and publishes its content in podcast form. The Crypto-Gram Security program is highly tailored to security topics, making it a great choice for those in the industry.

Three episodes we like from Crypto-Gram Security:

9. Cyber Jungle

Host: Ira Victor: @ira_victor

Cyber Jungle is a cross between a technical security podcast and a current events news program devoted to breaking security events. Listeners are brought up to speed on the goings on in the security, privacy, and law sectors. The program is hosted by Ira Victor in an easy-to-listen-to talk format.

Three episodes we like from Cyber Jungle:

  • Episode 399: Tales from the DarkWeb: New Wave of LTE attacks around the corner?
  • Episode 395: Interview: Yuri Gubanov, Belkasoft forensic software and Russian hacking
  • Episode 390: DarkWeb: 9month Microsoft 0Day; New OSX Attack

Listen on iTunes and The CyberJungle

10. Data Driven Security

Host: Jay Jacobs: @jayjacobs
Twitter: @DDSecPodcast

Bob Rudis and Jay Jacobs host the bi-weekly Data Driven Security podcast. The hosts cover just about anything regarding data analysis and visualization. This can include having guests who are “pioneers” in the data science industry. The program has more of a talk show style, full of information in an easy-to-consume format.

The show is a companion resource to Data Driven Security: The Book & Data Driven Security: The Blog.

Three episodes we like from Data Driven Security:

11. Defensive Security Podcast

Andrew Kalat: @Lerg
Jerry Bell: @Maliciouslink

Twitter: @Defensivesec

The Defensive Security Podcast is hosted by Andrew Kalat and Jerry Bell. It brings both current events in cyberspace (i.e., breaches, hacks) and tactics for defense against and recovery from such events. The notes for each episode are great for research and include links to all stories, resources, and tools referenced.

Three episodes we like from Defensive Security Podcast:

12. DevelopSec

Host: James Jardine: @JardineSoftware

James Jardine has created valuable audio resources in the DevelopSec podcast. Each program is devoted to particular, relevant topics for IT professionals. These security-specific issues are covered in detail and range from interviews to broadcasts that are more tutorial in style.

Three episodes we like from DevelopSec:

13. Digital Impact Radio

Twitter: @digiconvo

With more of a broad audience, Digital Impact Radio is a program for “Technology Savvy Professionals”. The publishing schedule seems to range from multiple times a week to monthly. The podcast’s title speaks to the intent of the show, looking at the impact of digital on the world. Conversations include many different technical happenings and topics including trends, projects, and security.

Three episodes we like from Digital Impact Radio:

14. Down the Security Rabbithole

Rafal Los: @Wh1t3Rabbit
James Jardine: @JardineSoftware

Despite its clever name, this podcast actually stays on topic better than most others on our list. The hosts, Rafal Los and James Jardine, actually alternate. One week there will be interviews with security professionals. The next week, it will be an analysis of news. You may be down the security rabbit hole, but the structure of this show is handy to keeping your sanity.

Three episodes we like from Down the Security Rabbithole:

15. Enterprise Security Weekly

Paul Asadoorian
John Strand: @strandjs

Few podcasts on our list cover such a niche (and an important) topic as Enterprise Security Weekly. Paul Asadoorian and John Strand tackle products, news, and security issues that specifically affect enterprises. Even if you’re not a professional working for a large organization, there is still a large amount of valuable content.

By the way: There’s a great discussion of threat Stack and its 14 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Committing to a Cybersecurity Vendor blog post in episode #49 listed below starting at 8:10 minutes.

Three episodes we like from Enterprise Security Weekly:

16. Exploring Information Security

Host: Timothy De Block: @TimothyDeBlock

Timothy De Block runs a straight forward weekly interview program with guests in the information security field. This podcast is less about current events and instead, builds its shows around specific topics to make them all the more valuable. The site has some of the most extensive show notes of any of the podcasts in this list.

Three episodes we like from Exploring Information Security:

17. Google Cloud Platform Podcast

Mark Mandel: @Neurotic
Melanie Warrick: @nyghtowl

Twitter: @GCPPodcast

It may seem like a program that’s titled “Google Cloud Platform Podcast” would focus solely on that platform. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the valuable content put forth in the weekly podcast hosted by Mark Mandel and Melanie Warrick. Obviously, there is a slant towards Google, but many other topics are covered — including security.

Three episodes we like from Google Cloud Platform Podcast:

18. Intel® Chip Chat

Host: Allyson Klein: @TechAllyson

This podcast is a short list of programs hosted by Allyson Klein and, yes, it does cover issues that relate to Intel®. However, it has much more content that is related to the cloud and security issues. The format is a fairly informal interview style with some of the most sought after experts in computing.

Three episodes we like from Intel® Chip Chat:

Listen on iTunes

19. Internet Storm Center

Twitter: @sans_isc

Sans has created a no-nonsense podcast with a very appropriate name. Global data security issues can arise quickly and seem like an onset storm. This daily program is a virtual alert system and has short (under 10 minute) episodes. If you’d like something longer, most episodes have incredible show notes with in-depth explanations.

Three episodes we like from Internet Storm Center:

  • Tuesday, April 3rd: Extracting ALL URLs From PDFs; Chrome vs. Cryptojacking; Fake Kaspersky; Web-RTC Leaks
  • Friday, March 23rd: GitHub Dependency Scan Results; Macs Log Passwords; Automating File Hunting
  • Wednesday, March 21st: Admin Password Leaks; WebKit HSTS Abuse Protection; Coeverity Compromise; Webhook Payment Insecurity

Listen on iTunes

20. Cyber Security Interviews

Host: Douglas Brush: @DouglasBrush
Twitter: @CSI_Podcast

Cyber Security Interviews has highly skilled and sought after weekly guests who “shape the cyber security industry”. The podcast is hosted by Douglas Brush who extracts guests’ expertise by exploring their professional journey. You’ll also hear predictions and a bit of current issues in security.

Three episodes we like from Cyber Security Interviews:

21. LiquidMatrix

Dave Lewis: @gattaca
James Arlen: @myrcurial
Matt Johansen: @mattjay
Ben Sapiro: @ironfog

Twitter: @liquidmatrix

LiquidMatrix is another podcast that is a bit sporadic, but valuable nonetheless. Most of their episodes are “bite sized,” dealing with security news that is worth talking about. These small episodes are called “mini” shows and can be consumed quickly. Other episodes cover a long list of subjects with several different hosts.

Three episodes we like from LiquidMatrix:

22. More Perspective Podcast by ePlus

Twitter: @ePlus

The More Perspective Podcast is produced by ePlus and highlights their staff’s expertise in all things IT. It has three primary categories: “Cloud”, “Digital Infrastructure”, and “Security”. The mix of the three categories seems to be even and the site makes it easy to search for episodes in each.

Three episodes we like from More Perspective Podcast by ePlus:

23. Packet Pushers

Greg Ferro: @etherealmind
Ethan Banks: @ecbanks
Drew Conry-Murray: @Drew_CM
Chris Wahl: @ChrisWahl
Scott Lowe: @scott_lowe

Twitter: @packetpushers

Packet Pushers is a podcast network, of sorts. It consists of five hosts and multiple programs devoted to all things cyber, specifically data networking. “Real-life engineers” and their guests discuss many topics, including security. Any person with a role in data management or networking will find something useful.

Three episodes we like from Packet Pushers:

24. Paul’s Security Weekly TV

Host: Paul Asadoorian: @securityweekly

Interesting topics in a few different formats is exactly what you’ll find from Paul Asadoorian. One of a few different shows in the Security Weekly network lineup, Paul’s show ranges from security news to home networking issues and even hacking. It’s primarily for security pros, but if you’re involved if anything cyber related, the security content is great. The episodes are also available in audio, video (YouTube), and text (blog) format.

Three episodes we like from Paul’s Security Weekly TV:

25. Pivotal Conversations

Richard Seroter: @rseroter
Michael Coté: @cote

Twitter: @pivotal

Richard Seroter and Michael Coté are experts in the cloud-native space. Pivotal Conversations is a program tackling individual issues in a conversational style. On the site, you’ll also find a program called “Pivotal Insights,” which is more of an interview podcast that discusses particular topics with experts in the cloud industry.

Three episodes we like from Pivotal Conversations:

26. Purple Squad Security

Host: John Svazic: @JohnsNotHere
Twitter: @PurpleSquadSec

Purple Squad Security is a younger podcast, but it makes a significant weekly contribution to cloud security. The program is all about information security and speaks to both defending against attacks and measures to take in the event of any issues. Each week, a different guest is brought on to discuss a topic related to the guest’s expertise.

Three episodes we like from Purple Squad Security:

27. Risky Business

Host: Patrick Gray: @riskybusiness

For over a decade, the Risky Business podcast has put out a new episode nearly every week. The program is devoted to information security, but you’ll find a few other topics mentioned from time to time. The site has a simple list of episodes, but click through and you’ll find a detailed “show notes” page with multiple links, details, and related episodes.

Three episodes we like from Risky Business:

28. Root Access

Host: Mike Storm

Root Access is a topical program that looks to the overall state of privacy and internet security through the lens of current events. Mike Storm has a phenomenal artistic flare that shows in the design of the show’s site. The podcasts are setup much like a television series with seasons and episodes. The show notes are short, but the interface is simple, effective, and beautiful.

Three episodes we like from Root Access:

29. RunAs Radio

Host: Richard Campbell: @richcampbell
Twitter: @RunAsRadio

With nearly 600 episodes, all covering topics related to Microsoft, RunAs Radio is a wealth of information. Podcasting veteran, Richard Campbell covers dozens of insightful topics. One of the most popular subjects with Rich and his guests is, of course, security.

Three episodes we like from RunAs Radio:

30. Security in Five Podcast

Twitter: @BinaryBlogger

If you only have a few minutes but want to take a quick and thorough look at a security topic, this is your show. The Security In Five Podcast covers a broad range of topics from news, how-tos, opinions, and tips all with an information tech spin. This is a great, bookmarkable resource for anyone in a cyber role.

Three episodes we like from Security in Five Podcast:

31. Security Intelligence Podcast

Twitter: @IBMSecurity

The Security Intelligence Podcast is produced by IBM. It’s chock full of experts and influencers in the information security industry. The subject matter isn’t entirely for enterprise, but it does seem to be the focus. However, topics can also include great tips for end users and individuals.

Three episodes we like from Security Intelligence Podcast:

32. Security Now

Steve Gibson: @GibsonResearch
Leo Laporte: @leolaporte

Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte are giants in the field of tech. Security Now is the show all about personal computer security. The podcast has a more entertaining, informal style, and topics can range from current events in security all the way to in-depth tutorials. These two hosts never disappoint.

Three episodes we like from Security Now:

  • Episode 653: “MemCrashed” DDoS Attacks
  • Episode 625: Security Politics
  • Episode 614: Vulnerabilities Galore!

33. Security Slice

Twitter: @TripwireInc

Tripwire is a great source of security news and commentary, and Security Slice is their audio podcast. The program itself has not been updated for a few months, but there are still many useful episodes.

Three episodes we like from Security Slice:

34. SecurityCast Radio

Twitter: @securitycast

SecurityCast is one of the most interesting concepts on our list. The site looks out over the world of podcasts and finds episodes and programs that cover information security, vulnerability, and penetration testing topics. This is not a podcast per se, but more of an aggregation service that pulls together virtually every show available on the subject of cloud security.

35. Shared Security

Scott Wright: @streetsec
Tom Eston: @agent0x0

Scott Wright and Tom Eston have created a podcast that explores how security is really a shared responsibility (hence the name Shared Security). Discussions cover four broad categories, including information security, privacy, the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile — all through the lens of security.

Three episodes we like from Shared Security:

36. Silver Bullet Security

Host: Dr. Gary McGraw: @cigitalgem
Twitter: @synopsys

Dr. Gary McGraw has been producing and publishing the Silver Bullet Security podcast every month for more than 12 years. Instead of a few industry professionals, guests on this program range from tech authors and technologists all the way to government officials and security execs.

Three episodes we like from Silver Bullet Security:

37. Smashing Security

Graham Cluley: @gcluley
Carole Theriault: @caroletheriault

Twitter: @SmashinSecurity

Smashing Security is a no-nonsense, focused program that discusses cyber and privacy issues. Data breaches, hacks, and vulnerabilities are the normal topics of choice for hosts Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault. Every episode is fully devoted to current and potential security issues.

Three episodes we like from Smashing Security:

38. Social Engineer

Twitter: @humanhacker

Social Engineer is an organization that was created to look into and discuss the “art, science, and psychology of the human operating system.” Security is discussed, but in much more of a broad, forward-thinking sense. Episodes are quirky interviews with creative titles and useful content.

Three episodes we like from Social Engineer:

39. Software Defined Interviews

Michael Coté: @cote
Brandon Whichard: @bwhichard

The name of this podcast describes what you’ll find in each episode. Hosts Michael Coté, Brandon Whichard, and Matt Ray have discussions with highly skilled guests about topics that matter to developers and information professionals.

Three episodes we like from Software Defined Interviews:

40. Southern Fried Security

Twitter: @SFSPodcast

As a subject, information technology sometime bears the stigma of being a dry subject. The Southern Fried Security Podcast wants to change that by bringing value with no lack of entertainment. The content is no less valuable, but you won’t doze off during the somewhat sporadically published episodes.

Three episodes we like from Southern Fried Security:

41. SurfWatch Labs

Twitter: @SurfWatchLabs

SurfWatch Labs is another slightly different podcast. The format is a series of Q&A sessions with expert guests in the information technology and cybersecurity industries. Discussions take on current and realistic issues that affect cyber professionals. From tools and tactics to help create a more secure environment to dealing with breaches, the interviews are candid and intensely helpful.

Three episodes we like from SurfWatch Labs:

  • SurfWatch Labs – Talking Strategic, Operational and Tactical Threat Intelligence
  • SurfWatch Labs – Talking PowerShell and Stealth Attacks with Carbon Black’s Rico Valdez
  • SurfWatch Labs – Government Breaches, FBI Investigations and the Future of Cybercrime

Listen on SoundCloud

42. TradeCraft Security Weekly

Host: Beau Bullock: @dafthack

Another show from the Security Weekly network that deserves a spot of its own on our list. TradeCraft is specifically about the installation and use of tools to guard against security issues. A highly technical series of episodes that will help professionals choose the best tools and show how to use them.

Three episodes we like from TradeCraft Security Weekly:

43. The GDPR Guy

Host: Carl Gottlieb: @carlgottlieb

A great overview of GDPR while addressing many common questions about this relatively new but very important regulation that affects anyone doing business with EU citizens in any country. It includes hot topics and interviews. A must-hear series that also covers the DPO role in depth as well as things to consider in determining whether your organization needs a DPO or not.

Three episodes we like from The GDPR Guy:

44. Unsupervised Learning Podcast

Host: Daniel Miessler: @DanielMiessler

The very technical and precise Daniel Miessler takes hours every month to compile and describe the “most interesting stories in security, technology, and humans”. He puts his findings in both an audio podcast and a newsletter.

Three episodes we like from Unsupervised Learning Podcast:

45. Venturi’s Voice

Host: Andy Davis: @andymkdavis

Venturi’s Voice is an interview podcast with Andy Davis as its host. The most knowledgeable guests in the cyber world come to discuss things they’ve done or are doing to improve their processes or security.

Three episodes we like from Venturi’s Voice:

46. Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

Twitter: @Texiwill

The Virtualization Security Round Table provides experts with an open mic to discuss all things cloud and virtualization. Titles are given, but it’s a very fluid show style. The value is very much there, but in a raw form.

Three episodes we like from Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast:

  • #189 – Threat Modeling
  • #179 – Data Protection
  • #156 – Scaling Up Security

Listen on TalkShoe

47. Hacker Public Radio

Hosts: Varied, Community-based
Twitter: @HPR

One of the best ways to learn about security issues and threats is from a community of hackers. Hacker Public Radio is a network, and is perhaps the largest community of listener-produced programs. While the subjects range wildly, security is a constant topic. But you’ll definitely want to filter through to find episodes and individual podcasts that sound interesting and valuable to you.

Three episodes we like from Hacker Public Radio:

48. CyDefe

Raymond Evans
Micheil Fairweather

Twitter: @cydefe

Co-hosts Raymond Evans and Micheil Fairweather take a deep dive into the nefarious categories of cyber security. Each program can consist of news or specific topics including, malware, hacking, IoT, TOR, and more. This podcast mainly centers on security issues as opposed to broader internet topics.

Three episodes we like from CyDefe:

49. DevRadio by Microsoft

Twitter: @MSFTDevRadio

Microsoft’s DevRadio is a podcast that primarily delivers “software development news”. The hosts are developers, and the target listeners are as well. Security is a regular topic, particularly in regard to Azure. The episodes have been more sporadic for the past few months, but the available episodes contain a ton of value.

Three episodes we like from DevRadio by Microsoft:

Links to iTunes and TuneIn

50. PVC Security

Paul Jorgensen: @prjorgensen
Edgar Rojas: @EdgarR0jas
Chris Maddalena: @cmaddalena
Tracy Maleeff: @InfoSecSherpa

PVC Security remains a valuable resource on the web, despite the fact that episodes are no longer recorded. PVC is an acronym for passion, vision, communication, and execution. The hosts hilariously state that the “E” is silent. While it won’t be going in your RSS feed, the existing content is still worth a listen.

Three episodes we like from PVC Security:

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog – Threat Stack authored by Mark Moore. Read the original post at:

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