Looking Forward to Catching Up At RSA…

If Black Hat and DEF CON are Security Summer Camp, then RSA is the Spring Dance.

I think this is my 16th RSA Conference.  I believe I am now eligible for the AARP discount shortly.

Beyond the massive amount of customer, partner, analyst and press stuff I have to do this year, I have some stuff to talk about:

Christofer’s sessions at USA 2015

– See more at:

Also, I have a keynote talk and panel discussion at the AGC Conference
The coolest part of my involvement this year is with the RSA Cyber Security Safety Village — my non-profit, HacKid, is one of the 6 partners that are exhibiting in Moscone West all week:

In partnership with San Jose’s Tech Museum of Innovation, RSA Conference 2015 will transform Moscone West (level 2) into the Cyber Safety Village, where you will get a sneak preview of The Tech’s upcoming new exhibit—Cyber Detectives! You can also speak with our Village Partners and learn more about the role you can play and how you can make a difference in your own community.

We have an opportunity as a profession to make a significant impact in the lives of kids by keeping them safe online. Find out how you can make a difference. Support RSAC Cyber Safety: Kids by visiting the Cyber Safety Village in Moscone West and taking advantage of the many resources provided by our Village Partners

– See more at:

See you there!

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Rational Survivability authored by beaker. Read the original post at: