Free Security Awareness Training – Part 5 of 5

Class 1: Explosives
Image via Wikipedia

Today’s post concludes the series of five posts whereby I wanted to give you links to 25 security awareness courses and videos that are publicly available.

I strongly believe that security awareness training is an essential component to good security. Throwing money and technology at the security problem might be worthwhile in the early stages of maturity of an originzatzion’s information security program. However, the problem with this approach is that there are diminishing returns; more technology becomes less and less effective at improving security. Something needs to improve beyond installing and patching technology on a daily basis, forever running around attempting to deal with security incidents and emerging threats and doing work simply for work’s sake. The human dimension is a critical part of this, and security awareness training helps sharpen this human component; the HumanOS.

  1. Analytical Investigative Tools (Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training)
    1. What Every Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence – Investigators and Evidence Technicians (DNA Initiative)
    2. Food Security Training (US Food and Drug Administration)
    3. Explosives, Booby Traps and Bomb Threat Management (Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training)
    4. HAZMAT Transportation Security Awareness Training (Dangerous Goods International)

    *** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Zen One authored by Steve. Read the original post at: