Don’t Cha CyberRAID? -too the toon of Don’t Cha by the Pussycat Dolls
I know you like security (I know you like security)
I know you do (I know you do)
Thats why whenever September comes around exploits all over you
And I know you want go (I know you want go)
It’s easy to see (it’s easy to see)
And in the back of your mind
I know you should be there with me
Dont cha wish you were a security freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Dont cha wish your sploits were raw like these
Dont cha wish your hacker was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Fight the feeling (fight the feeling)
Leave it alone (leave it alone)
Cause if it aint secured
It just aint enough to leave a web zone
Let’s keep it friendly (let’s keep it friendly)
You have to play fair (you have to play fair)
See, I dont care
But I got warez I aint gon’ wanna share
Dont cha wish you were a security freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha , baby
Dont cha wish your sploits were raw like these
Dont cha wish your hacker was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha
I know 0-days on your mind
I know we’ll have a good time
I’m your friend
I’m fun
And I’m fine
I aint lying
Look at my screens, you aint blind [2x]
See, I know your network (I know network)
I understand (I understand)
I’d probably be just as crazy about it too
If it were my own network
Maybe next lifetime (maybe next lifetime)
Possibly (possibly)
Until then, Oh friend your’e secret is safe with me
Dont cha wish you were a security freak like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Dont cha wish your sploits were raw like these
Dont cha wish your hacker was fun like me
Dont cha, dont cha
Hope you enjoyed that.
I’ll post more about the stats from Cyber-RAID later today.
Be safe out there,
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from IT Security, Windows Scripting and other matters authored by James.Costello. Read the original post at: http://genesyswave.blogspot.com/2010/09/dont-cha-cyberraid-too-toon-of-dont-cha.html