Webinar December 1st: Ransomware Attackers Don’t Take Holidays


Webinar December 1st: Ransomware Attackers Don’t Take Holidays

November 29, 2021 |

1 minute read

Cybereason recently released a research report, titled Organizations at Risk: Ransomware Attackers Don’t Take Holidays, that focuses on the threat that ransomware attacks during the weekends and holidays pose to organizations as we move into the holiday season. The global survey includes responses from 1,200+ security professionals at organizations that have previously suffered a successful ransomware attack.

Join us for this live webinar as we delve into new research findings about the risk to organizations from ransomware attacks that occur on weekends and holidays and how you can better prepare to defend against and respond to attacks designed to hit when your organization is most vulnerable.

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

1:00pm EST/ 10:00am PST


Key topics for the session to include:

    • How Ransomware attackers are leveraging holidays and weekends for maximum impact
    • Why holiday/weekend ransomware attacks take longer to respond to and recover from, and why they result in more disruption and losses for targeted organizations
    • Why defenders believe ransomware attacks against their organizations were successful
    • Steps organizations across key verticals are taking to better prepare for weekend and holiday ransomware attacks
    • Recommendations from seasoned Security Operations Center (SOC) experts on how to better defend against ransomware attacks during these vulnerable periods




Senior Security Strategist, OCSO, Cybereason

Maggie MacAlpine is a security strategist at Cybereason and one of the co-founders of the DEF CON Voting Village. Over the course of ten years spent in the field, MacAlpine has been a contributing researcher on the “Security Analysis of the Estonian Internet Voting System” in partnership with the University of Michigan, co-author of the DEF CON Voting Village annual reports, and appeared in the HBO documentary “Kill Chain”. She has been a speaker on election and cyber security issues at various conferences including DEF CON, the Diana Initiative, ShmooCon Hacker Conference, PacSec Tokyo and in presentations to Capitol Hill.



Product Manager, Cybereason

JJ Cranford is a critical part of the Cybereason product team. JJ is primarily responsible for the go-to-market strategy of the Cybereason platform of products for endpoint protection, detection and response. Prior to joining Cybereason, JJ spent nearly a decade at Guidance Software (later OpenText by acquisition), where he was responsible for the EnCase suite of products for endpoint security, DFIR, and forensic investigations. JJ provides insight and expertise into market trends, industry challenges, and solutions in the areas of ransomware protection, incident response, endpoint security, and risk managemen

Webinar December 1st: Ransomware Attackers Don’t Take Holidays

November 29, 2021 |

1 minute read

Cybereason recently released a research report, titled Organizations at Risk: Ransomware Attackers Don’t Take Holidays, that focuses on the threat that ransomware attacks during the weekends and holidays pose to organizations as we move into the holiday season. The global survey includes responses from 1,200+ security professionals at organizations that have previously suffered a successful ransomware attack.

Join us for this live webinar as we delve into new research findings about the risk to organizations from ransomware attacks that occur on weekends and holidays and how you can better prepare to defend against and respond to attacks designed to hit when your organization is most vulnerable.

Wednesday, December 1st, 2021

1:00pm EST/ 10:00am PST


Key topics for the session to include:

    • How Ransomware attackers are leveraging holidays and weekends for maximum impact
    • Why holiday/weekend ransomware attacks take longer to respond to and recover from, and why they result in more disruption and losses for targeted organizations
    • Why defenders believe ransomware attacks against their organizations were successful
    • Steps organizations across key verticals are taking to better prepare for weekend and holiday ransomware attacks
    • Recommendations from seasoned Security Operations Center (SOC) experts on how to better defend against ransomware attacks during these vulnerable periods




Senior Security Strategist, OCSO, Cybereason

Maggie MacAlpine is a security strategist at Cybereason and one of the co-founders of the DEF CON Voting Village. Over the course of ten years spent in the field, MacAlpine has been a contributing researcher on the “Security Analysis of the Estonian Internet Voting System” in partnership with the University of Michigan, co-author of the DEF CON Voting Village annual reports, and appeared in the HBO documentary “Kill Chain”. She has been a speaker on election and cyber security issues at various conferences including DEF CON, the Diana Initiative, ShmooCon Hacker Conference, PacSec Tokyo and in presentations to Capitol Hill.



Product Manager, Cybereason

JJ Cranford is a critical part of the Cybereason product team. JJ is primarily responsible for the go-to-market strategy of the Cybereason platform of products for endpoint protection, detection and response. Prior to joining Cybereason, JJ spent nearly a decade at Guidance Software (later OpenText by acquisition), where he was responsible for the EnCase suite of products for endpoint security, DFIR, and forensic investigations. JJ provides insight and expertise into market trends, industry challenges, and solutions in the areas of ransomware protection, incident response, endpoint security, and risk managemen

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog authored by Cybereason Security Team. Read the original post at: