Impacts of Vulnerabilities In Authentication Mechanism

Bypass Vulnerability in WordPress Plugins Authentication

Authentication bypass vulnerability is a security defect that enables a threat actor to circumvent or bypass the authentication process of an application or system. On May 29, 2023, a team of cybersecurity ...
WordPress Websites Attacked via File Manager Plugin Vulnerability

WordPress Websites Attacked via File Manager Plugin Vulnerability

Websites are being hijacked by hackers exploiting plugin vulnerability Hackers password-protect compromised sites to keep out rival attackers At-risk websites advised to update WordPress File Manager plugin immediately. Hackers are exploiting a ...
Angry ex-employee blamed for hack of WordPress plugin developer, and email to customers warning of security hole

Angry ex-employee blamed for hack of WordPress plugin developer, and email to customers warning of security hole

This weekend, users of the popular WordPress translation plugin WPML (also known as WordPress MultiLingual) received an email from a hacker claiming to expose serious security vulnerabilities in the software that allegedly ...