
Why We Value Inquiry Visibility Over … Well … Over Everything Else?

| | philosophy
This fun discussion on industry analyst craft reminded me of an unfinished post I had sitting in my draft folder … for a year. And now it is finished! When we create ...

My GDPR-Inspired Rant: Privacy, WTF!!!

This has been brewing for years, and May 25 (aka “the GDPR Day”) is the perfect day for my epic privacy rant. So, WTF is privacy?! WTF is this obsession with privacy?! ...
Joscha Bach, Ph.D., 'The Lebowski Theorem of Machine Superintelligence'

Joscha Bach, Ph.D., ‘The Lebowski Theorem of Machine Superintelligence’

via Jason Kottke, comes a Lebowski Cogitation with sterling credentials, in which, the Dude wades in with his take on machine learning (in reality {if you like that sort of thing} via ...

“Do They Have AI?” or That Rant on AI in Security

This post is inspired by a few painful discussions on artificial intelligence (AI) that I had both in public (on Twitter) and internally too. Let’s start with a joke: Q: How do ...