MARFORCYBER And The Marine Corps Cyber Auxiliary

MARFORCYBER And The Marine Corps Cyber Auxiliary

via Nina Kollars & Emma Moore, writing at War On The Rocks, comes this outstanding, sobering analysis of both current and future cybersecurity professionalism & capabilities within the United States Marine Corps ...

MIT’s Attack Detection via Super Computing

In a not-too-astounding announcement, it seems MIT Academicians have found a new use for super-computational resources: The utilization of super comuting resources targeting so-called 'compressed bundles' with the ostensible outcome of attack ...

The Next Battleground

via Rob Knake, writing at the Council on Foreign Relations' online outlet: Foreign Affairs and in the Snapshot section, comes this astute examination of the co-called cyberwarfare space's soft underbelly - power ...
Dr. Fred Cohen's 'How Cyber-Security Punishes Good Behavior'

Dr. Fred Cohen’s ‘How Cyber-Security Punishes Good Behavior’

via Dr. Fred Cohen - an (ISC)² Fellow, comes this superlative piece detailing the twisted reward/punishment scheme implemented by many (if not most) cybersecurity programs in existence. Enjoy! Permalink ...

Secure Guardrails