security shift left CISO

If Shift Left Is Dissolving, How Should Security React?

For years, the idea of “shift left” has been a guiding principle for application security testing. The philosophy aims to discover bugs early in the development process by automating code analysis within ...
Security Boulevard

Integrating Infrastructure as Code into a Continuous Delivery Pipeline

We’re here to talk about integrating infrastructure as code into a continuous delivery pipeline. We’ll start by defining infrastructure as code then explain some of the problems it solves. Defining Infrastructure as ...

Anatomy of a Continuous Delivery Pipeline

What does a continuous delivery pipeline look like? Which pieces do we need to have in place for us to achieve true continuous delivery? Kamalika Majumder lays out the anatomy of a ...

Continuous Delivery For All

Jez Humble’s (@jezhumble) career has spanned roles through coding, infrastructure, and product development across three continents and organizations of varying sizes. To say he knows a lot about continuous delivery is a ...

Enhancing Application Security Processes

Organizations are performing a balancing act, pushing forward with digital transformation while seeking ways to optimize application security. The post Enhancing Application Security Processes appeared first on Radware Blog ...

Accelerate: A Principle-based DevOps Framework

In this article series, we’re discussing the following three principle-based DevOps frameworks. The first was The Three Ways as described in The Phoenix Project and The DevOps Handbook ...

Advancing Application Delivery

Are you in an organization implementing Continuous Delivery? Are you a manager who wants to see your applications respond at the pace of the market - or better, be in front of ...

Continuous processes can complicate security, but also provide an answer

While cloud computing has promised to simplify the management of business-technology systems, it hasn’t exactly turned into a net simplification when it comes to security. Sure, cloud infrastructure platforms remove the complexity ...