Syndicated Blog

DEF CON 32 – DIY Pharmaceuticals

Authors/Presenters: Michael Laufer Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Authors/Presenters for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; ...
Comic Agilé - Luxshan Ratnaravi, Mikkel Noe-Nygaard - #323 Why Work Agile?

Comic Agilé – Luxshan Ratnaravi, Mikkel Noe-Nygaard – #323 Why Work Agile?

via the respected Software Engineering expertise of Mikkel Noe-Nygaard and the lauded Software Engineering / Enterprise Agile Coaching work of Luxshan Ratnaravi at Comic Agilé! Permalink ...

DEF CON 32 – Responding To Breaches, Ransomware And State Sponsored Threat Actors

Authors/Presenters: Panel Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Authors/Presenters for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; and ...

DEF CON 32 – Data On Demand: The Challenges Of Building A Privacy Focused AI Device

Author/Presenter: Matt Domko Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Authors/Presenters for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention Center; ...
Randall Munroe’s XKCD ‘AlphaMove’

Randall Munroe’s XKCD ‘AlphaMove’

via the comic humor & dry wit of Randall Munroe, creator of XKCD Permalink ...

DEF CON 32 – Navigating the Turbulent Skies of Aviation Cyber Regulation

Authors/Presenters: M. Weigand, S. Wagner Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Authors/Presenters for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas ...

DEF CON 32 – Navigating the Turbulent Skies of Aviation Cyber Regulation

Authors/Presenters: M. Weigand, S. Wagner Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Authors/Presenters for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas ...

DEF CON 32 – Famous and Not So Famous Unsolved Codes

Authors/Presenters: Elonka Dunin, Klaus Schmeh Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Authors/Presenters for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas ...

DEF CON 32 – Top War Stories From A TryHard Bug Bounty Hunter

Author/Presenter: Justin Rhynorater Gardner Our sincere appreciation to DEF CON, and the Authors/Presenters for publishing their erudite DEF CON 32 content. Originating from the conference’s events located at the Las Vegas Convention ...
Comic Agilé - Luxshan Ratnaravi, Mikkel Noe-Nygaard - #321 - Use Jira

Comic Agilé – Luxshan Ratnaravi, Mikkel Noe-Nygaard – #321 – Use Jira

via the respected Software Engineering expertise of Mikkel Noe-Nygaard and the lauded Software Engineering / Enterprise Agile Coaching work of Luxshan Ratnaravi at Comic Agilé! Permalink ...