Syndicated Blog
An Information Security Magazine in a Blog Format

Many Techies Don’t Understand Privacy …

… and many lawyers/politicians don’t understand computer technology. That may well be an exaggeration. But a recent Kara Swisher interview of Walt Mossberg with the title “Is Mark Zuckerberg a Man Without ...

Cybersecurity Risk’s “New Math”

Mary K. Pratt posted an article, “The new math of cybersecurity value,” on CSOonline on September 21, 2021, available at The new math of cybersecurity value | CSO Online   It is a ...

Human vs. Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Systems

A common goal, as we see in many articles on AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning), is to make AI/ML systems more like humans. Some claim that humans are much better ...

The Demise of Self-Driving Cars as Such

This is a follow-on column to my May 10, 2021 BlogInfoSec post “Will Full Autonomy Ever Be Realized?” It is prompted in part by the recent decision by the NHTSA (National Highway ...

Cybersecurity Lessons from the Pandemic: CDC Model and FS/ISAC

It is very ironic to see that, on August 18, 2021, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) announced the formation of a Center for Forecasting and Outbreak Analysis, see CDC ...

Cybersecurity and AI/ML Biases

Cyberattackers and cyberdefenders appear to be utilizing AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) to a rapidly increasing degree, if you are to believe the press, vendors’ claims and blogs. So, it ...

Cybersecurity Lessons from the Pandemic: Why Not

You might notice there’s no question mark at the end of the title. That is intentional. In a May 18, 2021 Opinion article in The New York Times by Dr. Sema K ...

Ransomware and the C-I-A Triad

In earlier, more innocent (?) times, cyberattacks seemed to be fairly straightforward. You have the data exfiltration attacks, where copies of sensitive personal information and intellectual property are stolen, often without the ...

Not So Fastly

The system failure at Fastly on June 8, 2021 portends what may well be the greatest threat to the Internet and all that it supports. In an Associated Press article by Marcio ...

Krebs on Ransomware

The Krebses—Chris and Brian—are not related, but they have both come out with positions on ransomware. Chris was the former head of DHS’s CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency), and Brian is ...

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