The DevSecOps Approach to Securing Your Code and Your Cloud

DevSecOps, at heart, is about collaboration. More specifically, it is continual collaboration between information security, application development and IT operations teams. Having all three teams immersed in all development and deployment activities makes it easier for information security teams to integrate controls into the deployment pipeline without causing delays or creating issues by implementing security controls after systems are already running. Download this free e-book now.

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Charlene O’Hanlon

Charlene O’Hanlon is Chief Operating Officer at Techstrong Group and Editor at Large at Techstrong Media. She is an award-winning journalist serving the technology sector for 20 years as content director, executive editor and managing editor for numerous technology-focused sites including, CRN, The VAR Guy, ACM Queue and Channel Partners. She is also a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences.

charlene has 55 posts and counting.See all posts by charlene

Application Security Check Up