The Secret to Optimizing Enterprise Data Detection & Response
The Secret to Optimizing Enterprise Data Detection & Response

Watch as our panel of industry experts, including Votiro CEO, Ravi Srinivasan and TAG Cyber’s Ed Amoroso and David Neuman, as they explain how security analytics serves to unlock the real potential for data detection and response (DDR) in enterprise. DDR detects and mitigates data related threats in real-time. By deploying a powerful analytics capability into the DDR ecosystem, security teams can ensure that the insights provided through content disarm, file reconstruction, and other data privacy and security tasks can be translated into meaningful management actions.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- How DDR solutions should support both the removal of malicious content through disarm and reconstruction, while also highlighting the known good portion of content.
- How DDR should be part of data security platforms to help security teams have safe and secure data to use.
- How the Votiro platform provides effective.
DDR support for security analysts and data security teams with world-class support for a range of prevention, detection, and response tasks. The panelists will share their unique insights in the deployment and use of data detection and response, with case studies derived from experience across a range of different industries, sectors, and application areas. Votiro’s DDR platform will serve to ground the discussion in the context of practical enterprise environments.
The post The Secret to Optimizing Enterprise Data Detection & Response appeared first on Votiro.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Votiro authored by Evan Davis. Read the original post at: https://votiro.com/webinars-videos/the-secret-to-optimizing-enterprise-data-detection-response/