Announcement – LoginRadius Launches Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP, Keeps Barriers Low During Registration and Login

Passwordless Login

The problem with passwords is that they can be guessed, hacked, or coerced out of consumers through social engineering or phishing attacks. So, why not eliminate the main source of insecurity   by going passwordless? 
The recently launched Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP feature by LoginRadius gets authentication right by hitting all the right chords—streaming consumer experience, enhancing account security, and improving adaptive security (to name a few).

Intent Behind the Launch

Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP reduces friction during the registration and login processes. Once the customer enters the Email Address or Phone Number, they receive a magic link via email or OTP on the phone number. As the consumer clicks the magic link or enters the OTP, LoginRadius creates an account (provided it doesn’t already exist), and the consumer automatically logs into the account.

Passwordless Login with OTP

Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP is designed by LoginRadius to help your business in the following ways: 

  • Streamlined consumer experience: One-step registration and login reduce friction for consumers. Furthermore, consumers do not need to create or remember passwords to access their accounts.
  • Consumer familiarity: This method of authentication is quickly catching up among consumers as one of the most preferred trends. Since it is already popular, you need not worry about educating your consumers about it.
  • Enhanced account security: Since a magic link or OTP is dynamically generated and sent over to the recipient on request, it eliminates the risk associated with password attacks and offers better account security.
  • Improved adaptive security: You can pre-define the Magic Link or OTP expiry time as an adaptive security measure for your consumers. Additionally, you can also be disabling access to accounts for a limited time due to multiple, pre-defined failed login attempts.

Key Capabilities of Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP

  • Log in with Magic Link: The consumer can log in directly by clicking the link received in the email without the need to pre-register their email on your application.
  • Login with OTP: The consumer can log into the application directly by entering the OTP received on their phone number without the need to pre-register their phone number on your application.
  • Magic Link and OTP Settings: You can configure email or SMS settings from the LoginRadius Admin Console. You can set the request limit for the maximum number of times a consumer can request the magic link or OTP within a limited time. You can also set the disable duration for which the magic link or OTP request remains disable if the consumer exceeded the defined request limit. Additionally, you can set the token expiry duration for which the magic link or OTP will remain active.
  • Email and SMS Templates: You can configure and personalize the content of email and SMS templates that your consumer will receive during the login. You can add, edit, delete, or send text email or SMS to verify your configuration. 

LoginRadius also supports various implementation and deployment methods that you can choose depending on your business needs.

  • Identity Experience Framework (IDX): You can directly use the pre-designed Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP page with the Identity Experience Framework of LoginRadius, after completing all configurations.
  • JavaScript: You can generate embedded Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP page using the LoginRadius JavaScript Libraries. 
  • SDK and APIs: You can use the entire open-source web and mobile SDKs to build off and modify the code to serve your unique requirements. Similarly, various APIs support the desired extensive flow of features and custom use cases for your business.

A Final Word

Times are changing. The majority of consumers do not look forward to creating and entering passwords anymore. Passwordless Login with Magic Link or OTP by LoginRadius is the one-click solution for consumers’ fast-paced authentication needs. It helps businesses improve their security posture while providing a better consumer experience. 

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Identity Blog authored by lrshivangini. Read the original post at:

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