PerimeterX Human Challenge – Better user experience, improved bot protection
Since its inception five years ago, PerimeterX has continued to protect web and mobile applications from malicious bots. The journey started with PerimeterX Bot Defender, a behavior-based bot management solution that enables customers to manage their automated traffic. Today we are proud to extend the power of Bot Defender to help improve your website user experience with the introduction of PerimeterX Human Challenge, a new user-friendly verification.
Challenge accepted
User verification: Why do we need it?
PerimeterX Bot Defender detects and mitigates malicious bots in real-time, mostly behind the scenes, minimizing the user interruption and preserving the intended website experience.
When using Bot Defender, one could ask why there is even a need for additional verification?
The answer is simple: when Bot Defender determines the user is not human, there are still rare cases where human behavior can get tagged as suspicious or undetermined. For example some users who are familiar with their favorite sites may navigate directly to certain pages unlike most users and get scored as bots. Therefore, instead of just blocking real users that are scored as bots, even when less than one in 10,000 blocked sessions is from a real user, the system serves a verification challenge to make sure that this is indeed a bot. This allows the rare human users to “clear” themselves with ease, whereas the bots fail again and again in solving the challenge until they give up.
To minimize the impact on the users’ experience, PerimeterX keeps the false-positive rate under 0.01%, or one in 10,000 sessions presented with the verification is initiated by a real user. However, Bot Defender offers flexibility for customers interested in more aggressive mitigation, like those in the financial vertical, and this mode can result in more users being presented challenges. In such cases, (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from PerimeterX Blog authored by PerimeterX Blog. Read the original post at: https://www.perimeterx.com/resources/blog/2020/improve-your-users-experience-and-your-bot-protection-with-perimeterx-human-challenge/