Your Network Has Been Compromised. What Now?
Security experts agree: breaches are inevitable today, which is why it’s all the more important to have an incident response plan in place. Resolving the incident when you’re still able to communicate over your main network is hard enough but what happens when you get hit by a breach that takes part of—or all of—your critical systems down? What should you do?
Notify Your Team Fast
When your network is compromised you need to notify your team not to communicate over or even access the system. You need to alert everyone—and fast, making sure to reach them on whatever device they’re most likely to use, whether that’s smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. It’s important to keep communications flowing both ways. People should be able to respond to any mass notifications to confirm that they received them and ask any questions.
Control the Narrative
Security incidents can put your reputation at stake. It’s important to inform investors, customers and stakeholders so that they can take any steps they may need to protect themselves. Being transparent and timely with the media allows you to control the narrative and protect your reputation. Open communication helps protects you from fines, reputation damage, and loss of customers.
Make Sure You Have an Alternative Network
The city of Baltimore learned this the hard way. If an incident compromises your network you need to have a reliable way to keep communicating and share critical documents. That way you can keep core operations going, assemble your crisis management team and respond to the crisis in real time without worrying that hackers can monitor your response.
During an incident, Vaporstream helps businesses keep operations going by providing them an alternative network to securely communicate over. Businesses can use Vaporstream to safely share files, images, and other content, and send multipoint notifications to teams and stakeholders alerting them to the situation. Recipients can easily acknowledge and respond to messages, keeping two-way communication and collaboration ongoing. See how we do all that and protect you when your company’s systems are compromised here.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Vaporstream authored by @vaporstream. Read the original post at: https://www.vaporstream.com/blog/incident-response-when-network-compromised/