From hacker to lawyer: An expert in cybersecurity law

Bradley Gross, founder and president of Law Office of Bradley Gross and an expert in technology and digital law, discusses his career arc from hacker to lawyer and the various layers of cybersecurity law.

In the podcast, Gross and host Chris Sienko discuss:

– Tell us about your unconventional journey from hacker to lawyer. What type of hacker were you, and when/where did you get interested in hacking and computers in general? (1:28)
– Do you have any hacking war stories? Any frightening or amazing accomplishments from those times? (2:20)
– Did you ever have the inclination to hack into something larger (e.g., government mainframes)? (4:40)
– Did you continue to learn and understand the concepts of hacking, maybe in a less invasive way, as the technology changed? (5:51)
– Was there a defining moment that made you realize that you wanted to be on the legal side of cybersecurity, or did you become disillusioned over time? Or was it as simple as needing a change of pace? (6:33)
– Was it frustrating to catch these online harassers, only to see them get minimal penalties? Were you involved in trying to acquire bigger penalties for these types of crimes? (9:43)
– When did you start the Law Office of Bradley Gross? Tell me about your mission statement and the types of cases you take on, especially those concerned with the cybersecurity sector. (12:00)
– What are some of the skills you learned as a hacker that help you most in your work as a lawyer? (15:21)
– What is one of the most usual cybersecurity-related cases you ever worked on? What are some of the most surprising things you’ve seen (Read more...)

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosec Resources authored by Hunter Reed. Read the original post at:

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