How to Choose a Java Experts? Things to Consider Before Hiring Java Developers

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Java development experts across the globe design and implement IT solutions to support organizations in keeping their businesses competitive and relevant. Desktop applications, web services, web applications and cloud applications are some of the best Java-based solutions. Java is a vast language that can be used across the business domains like Telecom, Healthcare, Banking/Financial services, e-commerce etc and supports functional domains like Customer Relationship management (CRM), Application security, web portals etc. IT solutions designed by Java Development experts could be as simple as attendance monitoring register in a school to highly complicated business functions such as inventory management and accounting.



A peep through different Java solutions implemented by Java development experts

Java services can be categorized into four broad categories based on how the services are being served as per the client needs.

Solutions development that includes customized applications or products: This involves designing customized solutions as per the organization needs, web applications, E-commerce websites, product development and others. This covers even modernization of age-old technologies using Java technology to promote the business. A Java development expert with all requisite skills can address solutions of all organizations irrespective of their size.

Solutions to integrate existing applications/products: A Java development expert integrates the various business applications using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Additionally, integration can also be accomplished at web portal and web service levels. Non-java applications can also be integrated.

Support and maintenance services: customized reporting services that vary with the organizations can be developed. Special services like bulk mailing and support for third-party software are provided. Standard support activities like application monitoring, issue resolution, defect fixes, and performance tuning are provided as per the organizational requirements.

Expert services: Frameworks that are used in the design of applications are defined as per the IT needs along with decisions on hardware needs such as servers, networking routers, etc. Security audits that play a crucial role in preventing cyber attacks are also covered under expert services. Other unique services include technology consultation, design reviews, database design, estimation, project planning and modeling of use cases.

Choosing a Java Development Expert

Each of the service categories requires Java development experts with a unique skill set. Skills to be considered by an organization before choosing a Java development expert:

An organization requiring all the categories of java service should prefer a Java development expert with Application knowledge in Standard frameworks such as Spring, Tapestry, and Hibernate.

Web portal development demands Java development experts with efficiency in using vendor provided portal solutions such as Life ray, Alfresco, and Aqua logic.

Java development experts with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) knowledge best fit in an organization requiring Integration services.

Jaas knowledge helps in designing and implementing the secured applications.

Apart from using the right technology, a Java development expert should also consider application performance expectations, application scalability, fault tolerance, and reliability.

Choosing a Java development expert as per the organization needs not only helps in making the business competitive but also helps reduce the development time and design the secured solutions aptly as per the business needs with limited investment.

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