Casino Goes All In and Wins Big with Imperva Security
There’s no good time to be hit by ransom-seeking DDoS attackers. For one casino-entertainment provider, the timing was particularly bad — right before one of its largest online poker events in 2016.
The casino, which generates multiple billions in revenue per year, leveraged Imperva’s emergency onboarding service, allowing us to onboard them to our DDoS Protection service within minutes.
(More Imperva customer case studies are available here.)
Sure enough, the casino was targeted with DDoS attacks throughout the weekend, all of which Imperva successfully mitigated within 10 seconds (we are the only service provider with an SLA-backed guarantee to detect and block any website attack, of any size or duration in 10 seconds or less).
Mitigating these attacks led the casino to go all in on Imperva, moving all of its sites and traffic to Imperva’s Cloud Application Security, and a complete replacement of other competing solutions.
The casino now uses Cloud WAF, CDN, DDOS Protection and Global Site Load Balancing. Once it saw the strength of our WAF solutions, it quickly adopted our Database Security offerings as well. It now uses our Data Risk Analytics and Data Activity Monitoring to provide a full defense-in-depth solution. It is also considering adding our coming Cloud Data Security offering (currently in beta, sign up here) as well.
While we first won this customer a few years ago, we’ve continued to expand our business and services provided to them (which all of our customers can take advantage of with our FlexProtect plans). No poker face can hide the satisfaction of making a competitor fold by simply demonstrating a customer-first mindset.
Imperva protected the casino’s business first and discussed contracts second. This showed the casino that we are a true partner in protecting their business.
Is your organization, like this casino, looking to implement a full defense-in-depth security strategy for ultimate protection? Check out this recently-recorded webinar, “Five Best Practices for Application Defense in Depth,” featuring Forrester security analyst Amy DeMartine, Imperva SVP and Fellow, Terry Ray, and Imperva CTO, Kunal Anand.
The post Casino Goes All In and Wins Big with Imperva Security appeared first on Blog.
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog authored by Adam Fisher. Read the original post at: https://www.imperva.com/blog/casino-goes-all-in-and-wins-big-with-imperva-security/