The Many Flavors of Linux
Linux is not as popularly used in both the security- and user-focused computing worlds as other OSes such as Windows and macOS, but it can still be used for both. In fact, depending on your needs, there are many different flavors of Linux you can use.
And the different versions have key differences between them. Aside from security user-focused distros, there are what can be considered unique Linux distros that have their own specific uses, weird as they may be. This article will detail some of the many flavors of Linux available today and will leave you with a better understanding of their differences, and you will be in a better position to select the distro of Linux for your needs.
The Different Categories of Linux
Before we can have a useful discussion of the different flavors of Linux, it’s smart to first establish the different broad categories of Linux. Generally, there are three different categories of Linux flavors with their own particular uses. These categories are Security-Focused, User-Focused and Unique.
Distros from the Security-Focused category are best used in situations where there is an elevated need for security-related features. These users range from businesses and enterprises that have heightened security needs to personal users who are security-conscious. These distros tend to be more for users with advanced Linux experience overall; however, there is a well-represented range of difficulty that this article will focus on.
Qubes OS
Qubes OS is the top security-focused Linux based OS system around today. The magic behind Qubes OS’s security prowess lies in the fact that it isolates your files and VMs. This translates into greater protection from malware attacks when they occur. If malware finds its way onto your Qubes OS system, your personal files will be isolated from damage. Keep in mind (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by Greg Belding. Read the original post at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/infosecResources/~3/6O3nRsMRfC8/