You’re Paying Too Much for Your SIEM

Welcome to 2019! Have you made a New Year’s resolution? If there’s one resolution you should make and stick to in 2019, it’s to stop paying so much for your SIEM.

Show SIEM the Money

We talk to a lot of customers, prospects and industry analysts. A clear theme that comes out of our conversations is that SIEM costs are out of control. SIEM implementations are so expensive and difficult to swap out. The costs soar the more events per second (EPS) are fed to the SIEM. With “next-gen” SIEMs, you often pay additional fees for a data lake or proprietary data stores. You know the costs up front, but you’re still paying to store and process SIEM data. Customers are not happy about having to show SIEM the money.

Here’s the deal: the value is not in storing large volumes of data. The value is in insights derived from that data.

It’s painful to sift through SEIM logs and alerts to make sense of the data; you get a lot of false positive alerts. And, you cannot prioritize which alerts to investigate. It’s too much data and too much noise.

Take Security Beyond SIEM

Here’s where Gurucul adds value: we take security beyond SIEM. We start with SIEM data (or, we can ingest the raw logs directly), then we add into the mix all the security logs and application data feeds from across your environment. Our Security Analytics platform consumes as much data as you can throw at it – the more the better. This means you get a 360-degree view of user and entity behavior so you can be proactive in detecting and preventing threats – without having to pay exorbitant fees.

Our Security Analytics platform reduces the number of alerts to a manageable level and provides risk-prioritized intelligence so you can focus on the riskiest threats and only those threats. Gurucul Risk Analytics uses machine learning models (not rules) that learn how to predict malicious behavior. This is how our Security Analytics platform can detect threats missed by traditional SIEMs like insider threats, compromised accounts, data exfiltration and privileged access abuse.

Get Open Choice of Big Data

Security analytics requires a big data platform. You need a data lake to store and perform analytics on all these data feeds in real-time. You don’t, however, have to pay to store this data. This is another critical difference between a SIEM and Gurucul Risk Analytics. We give you a data lake for free. We want you to ingest as much data as possible. That’s how we are able to detect and predict threats in real-time. We need to look at data across all the siloed applications and devices to paint a full picture of what is going on in your environment.

Further, if you already have a data lake, we can put our Security Analytics right on top of your data lake. We don’t require you to have a specific version of a data lake. We offer open choice of big data. Stop paying exorbitant SIEM data fees. Start getting insights on your data with our Behavior Based Security Analytics and Intelligence platform. Contact us today to get started.

The post You’re Paying Too Much for Your SIEM appeared first on Gurucul.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog – Gurucul authored by Jane Grafton. Read the original post at: