CompTIA Cloud+ Certification: An Overview

The use of the cloud continues to grow as private citizens and businesses see the benefits of offsite storage and shared services. Many companies are coming to rely on this technology, as it allows them to scale resources and allow remotely-located employees to access applications and work via the Internet.

Many options are available today to support the most varied needs: Cloud service models (SaaS, PaaS or IaaS) and deployment types (private, public, community or hybrid) can be chosen according to the business configuration, mission and legislative requirements. The growth of this IT field also means that there is a need for skilled cloud professionals well-versed in this technology and able to create the proper infrastructures and security measures in support of it.

More and more employers are in search of cloud talents who are able to fill this role. In many cases, there is a shortage of specialized, knowledgeable practitioners that are not only able to help an organization migrate effectively to the cloud but also mitigate the risks inherent to such a move. This is where certifications become key.

Among the certifications available for cloud computing pros is the Cloud+ credential, sponsored by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a non-profit trade association that issues professional certifications for the information technology (IT) industry. CompTIA Cloud+ guides a skilled cloud professional in the mastering of all knowledge needed in a data center and to implement and secure virtualization. It also verifies the professional’s ability to analyze the system requirements prior to migrations to the cloud, as well as manage the switch by allocating cloud resources properly, making appropriate system adjustments according to the organization’s needs.

A CompTIA Cloud+ certified professional gives assurance to the employer that he or she has the theoretical and practical technical knowledge to ensure a (Read more...)


*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by Daniel Brecht. Read the original post at:

Application Security Check Up