2018 InfoSec Tweet Awards

As 2018 comes to a close, it becomes time once again for the annual InfoSec Tweets Awards!  This marks the 7th year running.  As long as you keep reading these posts, I’ll keep writing them.

As in previous years, there are no actual awards.  These are just funny or thought provoking tweets that I’ve “favorited” over the year (I still refuse to call them “likes”).  As always, categories are completely arbitrary and I make them up as I go along…

Best Tweet About Metasploit

Best Tweet About GDPR

Best Tweet About Cryptocurrency


Best Tweet About Vendors

Best Tweet About Certifications

Best Tweet About Education

Best Tweet with Hiring Advice

Best “Truth in InfoSec” Tweet

Inspirational Tweet of the Year!

As you can see, this year I have forgone the “Tweet of the Year” in favor of an “Inspirational Tweet of the Year”.  While not strictly InfoSec related, coding is a notable part of our industry and Ms. Alexis serves as an inspiration to us all.  

Thank you to everyone in the community for providing so much great content to choose from and special thanks to those who were featured above.  Feel free to comment below with any Twitter gems I inevitably overlooked and I encourage you to send me tweets throughout the coming year for the next InfoSec Tweet Awards.  

I wish you all health and happiness in 2019 and hope to see many of you soon.  

Happy New Year!

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from authored by Steven Maske. Read the original post at:

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