Bromium Customers Praise Fast, Easy Deployment

“Easy to deploy and easy to use!” Every software vendor seems to use this slogan to assure prospects that once they purchase the license, the rest of the journey is going to be a breeze, and the client is going to recover their investment in no time through saving delivered by their shiny new piece of technology.

Unfortunately, data shows that less than a third of all software projects end up on time and on target, with the rest being either late, much more expensive than originally predicted, or cancelled altogether.

Initially, Bromium fell victim to this as well, but thankfully, that’s now in our past. Our straightforward, uncomplicated setup process allows for rapid deployment and fast time to value. But don’t take our word for it, check out our customer feedback on Gartner Peer Insights and TechValidate.

Bromium Secure Platform provides centralized endpoint management and threat triage, making it easy to get started, no matter how many endpoints you must protect.

With the release of Bromium 4.1, we’ve further streamlined implementation, selecting the most common use cases, and simplifying configurations and end-user policies around them to provide a timely solution to the most pressing business needs:

Starting it off right

Researchers who looked into why projects fail, have identified several common factors, among them: lack of planning, ambiguous roles and responsibilities, poor preparation, trying new approaches every time rather than focusing on proven best practices, and inconsistent communication within the project teams and at the executive/sponsor level.

To avoid falling into these traps, Bromium assigns each customer a Success Manager, who works closely with operations and security teams to ensure smooth and efficient implementation. Whether you need help setting expectations with the executive team or want step-by-step instructions for a phased rollout, Bromium Customer Success Managers can guide you through the entire process – before, during, and after you go live.

Accelerating the ROI

Calculating the exact ROI for a cyber security tool is not easy. But it’s not altogether impossible either. For instance, Bromium customers report that a typical employee will engage in 11 risky activities every business day:

  • Open 5 email attachments from unknown senders
  • Click on 5 links from unknown sources
  • Download files or install software or updates once a week

Most of the time, these emails, links and pages are legitimate, but detection alone cannot stop 100% of attacks. As much as 1 percent of malware is bound to get through.

And based on the data we have gathered on the cost of remediation and the time involved in rebuilding and reimaging PCs, we can also estimate how much money Bromium can save an average organization by protecting the endpoint from known and unknown threats.

Learn More

Learn more about Bromium rapid deployment and ROI, or request a demo.

As always, we would love to hear from you. Tell us about your experience with Bromium Customer Success teams, or send us your suggestions on how we can further assist you in fully realizing the potential of application isolation and containment.


The post Bromium Customers Praise Fast, Easy Deployment appeared first on Bromium.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Bromium authored by Gavin Hill. Read the original post at: