Green Card scams & Tech Support scams

William Tsing for Malwarebytes: Green card scams: preying on the desperate – Green card scams are far from new. Though in fact this site does actually indicate in the small print that its usefulness to someone wanting to improve their chances of getting a green card via the diversity visa lottery is going to be very limited indeed. But Tsing makes the interesting point that the scam site looks more authentic than the real site because it provides more information, and compares it to “what we see with legitimate tech support and tech support scammers. An official entity does a poor job communicating with its constituency, and that creates a vacuum that scammers are all too eager to fill.” Seems an entirely valid point.

I talked about the issue of inadequate tech support in an article for ESET – Tech support scams and the call of the void – The importance of providing the best possible after-sales service to customers. That article was sparked off by a useful article on the Security Boulevard site by Christopher Burgess on When Scammers Fill the Tech Support Void.

David Harley


*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Check Chain Mail and Hoaxes authored by David Harley. Read the original post at:

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