How to Become a Security Architect (CyberSpeak with InfoSec Institute Podcast)

On the first episode of the CyberSpeak with InfoSec Institute podcast, Leighton Johnson, the CTO and founder of ISFMT (Information Security Forensics Management Team), discusses the path you can take to become a security architect.

In the podcast, Johnson and Chris Sienko, host of CyberSpeak with InfoSec Institute, discuss:

  • How you can become a security architect? (2:20)
  • What types of jobs and responsibilities is a security architect part of on a daily basis? (5:01)
  • What kinds of projects and reading should you be doing if interested in becoming a security architect? (8:40)
  • What certifications should you pursue on the path to becoming a security architect? (12:40)
  • What hands-on work activities should you enjoy to pursue this career? (16:20)
  • How can you get ahead in your search for a security architect position? (20:17)
  • What are some common pitfalls InfoSec aspirants make along the way? (22:50)
  • What is one thing in your current position you could do today to move your closer to becoming a security architect? (25:01)
  • How might the role change in the future based on current and upcoming technology (26:15)

The InfoSec Institute IT security career series aims to break down the path from security newcomer to an elite security practitioner. You can watch a video version of the interview below:

About CyberSpeak with InfoSec Institute

Get security awareness and IT training insight direct from the trenches in this weekly podcast hosted by InfoSec Institute’s Chris Sienko. Each week on CyberSpeak with InfoSec Institute, IT and security practitioners share their insights into a new topic, including security awareness, IT and security careers and keeping organizations safe from cybercrime.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by Jeff Peters. Read the original post at: