Free Gartner Report: Designing a Security Champion Program

It’s no secret. Phishing, ransomware and social engineering attacks are rising rapidly. As they continue to get more sophisticated, we also see they no longer discriminate. Regardless of size, every organization is now vulnerable to cyber threats, making organization-wide security awareness training your key to resiliency.

Proactive security and IT professionals know this, but building a security-alert culture that permeates your entire organization requires year-round time and energy. It’s no easy task to continually engage, educate and motivate all employees. This is where Security Champions can help. As your internal network of security ambassadors, these non-IT allies are trained to advocate your security awareness message and model security best practices among peer groups. Mobilizing a squad of security champs will improve the reach and integrity of your team’s security awareness efforts and help you instill good security hygiene across all levels of your organization.

In this report we believe you’ll learn how to:

  • Get executive support for your security champion program
  • Build your champion network to span various organizational roles or geographies
  • Present the security champion role as an employee development opportunity
  • Empower champs to take creative liberties with content to suit their audiences

Jump start your security champs program and register for the Gartner report!

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by InfoSec Resources. Read the original post at: