The Best Strategy for Cyber-Conflict May Not Be a Cyber-Strategy
Terrific post at War On The Rocks, with an intriguing theory: The Best Strategy for Cyber-Conflict May Not Be A Cyber-Strategy, via Benjamin Runkle, . There’s that pesky ‘Cyber‘ thing again… At any rate, the discussion in this case, revolves around the leveraging of electronic, computational information warfare (perhaps also known as cyberwar) by the previous administration (President Obama). Elected (of course) – as today’s Must Read, and watch out for ‘them cybers’!
‘We will respond in a time and place and manner of our choosing, and when we do so, we will consider a full range of tools, economic, diplomatic, criminal law enforcement, military, and some of those responses may be public, some of them may not be. One analyst derided the vice president’s pronouncements on the topic as “Biden threatening to threaten Russia.”’ – via Benjamin Runkle at War On The Rocks
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Infosecurity.US authored by Marc Handelman. Read the original post at: https://warontherocks.com/2016/11/the-best-strategy-for-cyber-conflict-may-not-be-a-cyber-strategy/