Achieving compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does not hard to be an arduous process. Reviewing chapters and their summaries can help organizations to understand the scope of the GDPR. 

PART 2: Dataflow, Transfers, Reports

In GDPR Summaries Part 1, we covered the first three chapters of the regulation and reviewed Articles 1-23.  Organized and broken down into sections – including a complete checklist-  part 2 discusses chapters 4-6 and covers Articles 24-59. The breakdown of those chapters and articles follow below

Chapter 4: Controller and Processor

This chapter, covering Articles 24-43, discusses quite a bit of information. Data Protection by Design is introduced, and encourages organizations to think about looking at all enterprise products and how GDPR is worked into processes.

It also covers the Security of Processing, (Article 32) which explains how processors and controllers of data must implement specific measures to (Read more...)