Tiredful API Part Two
This is the 2nd part of the solving Tiredful-API series. I hope you have gone through the 1st part. If not, please go through it.
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection. In this injection, malicious scripts can be inserted into otherwise trusted websites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web app to send malicious code, usually in the form of a side script in a browser, to a different user.
Here is the challenge description.
The aim is to find which parameter mentioned in the POST body accepts XSS metacharacters. A user should authenticate first for creating and viewing the advertisements. After authentication, the user should pass the XSS script, and the script will be reflected in the response. I hope the challenge is clear. Let’s start.
As per the challenge, one should use <host>/api/v1/advertisements/ API endpoint with GET method for retrieving the list of the advertisement posted and POST method (Use Content-Type header with application/json value) for creating a new advertisement.
First obtain an access token, by logging in to the app.
Create an advertisement with a valid set of input and check what parameters are accepting string values
As seen in the response, headline and info accept string values. Now let’s pass <script>alert(‘solution’)</script> to headline and info parameters for checking whether the payload gets filtered or not.
As seen in the response, headline and info parameters do not filter the characters and reflect it back as is.
The challenge aims to force the server to reply with 429 response code. It means the server replies with too many requests within in a stipulated time. Thus, if we issue too many requests within less time, this should solve the problem.
The endpoint for this challenge is – <host>/api/v1/trains/.
I issued around 10 requests (Read more...)
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from InfoSec Resources authored by Nitesh Malviya. Read the original post at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/infosecResources/~3/yKlt07qsAYk/