Ransomnix ransomware variant encrypts websites
Ransomnix is a (supposedly Jigsaw, but not really) ransomware variant that holds websites for ransom, and encrypts any files associated with the website.
This ransomware was discovered in the second half of 2018, and there’s a brief write-up by Amigo-A here as well: Ransomnix ransomware
In this blog post, we’ll discuss a newer variant.
Several encrypted websites were discovered, which display the following message:
Figure 1 – Ransom message, part 1 |
Figure 2 – Ransom message, part 2 |
The full message is as follows:
Now Pay 0.2 BTC
Payment will increase by
BTC each day after
Your Key Will Be Deleted
Your Bill till now 2.4000000000000004 BTC
Dear manager, on
Fri Apr 06 2018 02:08:34 GMT+0100 (GMT Summer Time)
your database server has been locked, your databases files are encrypted
and you have unfortunately “lost” all your data, Encryption was produced using
unique public key RSA-2048 generated for this server.
To decrypt files you need to obtain the private key.
All encrypted files ends with .Crypt
Your reference number: 4027
To obtain the program for this server, which will decrypt all files,
you need to pay 0.2 bitcoin on our bitcoin address 1VirusnmipsYSA5jMv8NKstL8FkVjNB9o (today 1 bitcoin was around 15000 $).
After payment send us your number on our mail [email protected] and we will send you decryption tool (you need only run it and all files will be decrypted during a few hours depending on your content size).
Before payment you can send us one small file (100..500 kilobytes) and we will decrypt it!
It’s your guarantee that we have decryption tool. (use your reference number as a subject to your message)
We don’t know who are you, All what we need is some money.
Don’t panic if we don’t answer you during 24 hours. It means that we didn’t received your letter and write us again.
You can use one of that bitcoin exchangers for transfering bitcoin.
You dont need install bitcoin programs – you need only use one of this exchangers or other exchanger that you can find in www.google.com for your country.
Please use english language in your letters. If you don’t speak english then use https://translate.google.com to translate your letter on english language.
You do not have enough time to think each day payment will increase by
0.1 BTC and after one week your privite key will be deleted and your files will be locked for ever.People use cryptocurrency for bad choices,
but today you will have to use it to pay for your files!
It’s your choice!
Figure 3 – JS function |
Unfortunately, it appears several people have already paid for decryption: 1VirusnmipsYSA5jMv8NKstL8FkVjNB9o
*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blaze's Security Blog authored by Bart. Read the original post at: https://bartblaze.blogspot.com/2018/04/ransomnix-ransomware-variant-encrypts.html